Chapter 5

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At the Hamptons

Ah, I love this place so much! Kate sighed as the car stopped in the driveway. I can’t wait to bring Thumper here for the first time, she said and ran a hand over her pregnant belly which was slowly but surely starting to show. We're going to be such a nice little family of three, and then Thumper will get another brother or sister ... Rick began, imagining the future. Hey, take it easy, I haven't even given birth to this baby yet, and you're already on another one, Kate joked and gave Rick a big smile. Kate, I can't wait to have a family with you. I will enjoy watching you as a mother, he sighed. Hey, what is it? , Kate took his hand. Alexis I was both a mother and a father, I just wanted Meridath to be there for her, did I ask too much ?? I know, I know, I always turn everything over to how Meridath wasn't here, but it hurts me, Kate, right there, he put his hand on his chest, close to his heart. I know, stupid of me, he sighed and shook his head. It's not stupid, Rick, it's human ... Kate comforted him.
You can always put a smile on my face and that’s another one of many many reasons why I love you so much. Lots, lots of reasons? Kate repeated with a smile. Oh, if I were to start listing why I love you, I doubt I would ever stop, Rick retorted. Then you better show me, Kate teased him and slowly got out of the car, headed for the house and gestured for Rick to come.


Kate ?, he called to her as he entered the house. In the bathroom! She replied. Okay, I put the heating in the pool so we can try the water later, if you want, and I’m going to start unpacking things now. Just as he bent down and started unpacking, he heard a voice above him. Really, you're going to unpack now, don't you have something more fun to do? Kate asked a little seductively. Now I’m going to unpack — fuck, he whispered as he raised his head and spotted Kate in a gorgeous red bathing suit. I'm sorry, Kate, but I can't control myself anymore, he said with a big smile. You will drive me crazy with your beauty, woman! He exclaimed and lifted her high in his arms, ran outside and jumped straight into the pool with her in his arms. Rick, you're still in your clothes, Kate couldn't stop laughing. All you-but his passionate kiss interrupted her. He leaned her against the pool wall, the tongue fight soon began, but this time Kate didn't stand a chance, Rick continued to kiss her passionately as their tongues intertwined. Uh, Kate, he sighed, how beautiful you are, you're driving me crazy, I'm crazy about you! He said when he parted to get air. Mh, then show me how crazy you can get, Kate said seductively as she played with the curls of her hair. You asked for this yourself, Rick said as he took off his wet clothes and tossed it to the side, outside the pool.
They soon showed each other all the love they have for each other. There was so much love tension and love, that Rick might not even have needed to heat the pool before. Because they were definitely warming it up now.


You're definitely crazy, but I like it when you go a little wild, you know I like to tease you, said Kate as they lay in the loungers and dried off from the previous "swim". So you like it when you drive me crazy? Rick asked with a seductive smile. I have to admit, yes, I've never seen you like that before, what got into you? She asked, joking.
You, when I saw you ... You're the only woman who can do this to me. I just couldn't control myself when I saw you, you see what you're capable of doing to me, I don't know how I could have endured if we weren't alone, he remarked, with a wicked smile.

Even while I'm pregnant I'm beautiful to you, you know I'm going to gain more weight," Kate said quietly. Hey, hey, Kate you're carrying mine, our baby, I don't care if you're going to gain weight, Kate, you're developing our ball of immeasurable happiness, our little miracle and the proof of our love. Pregnancy suits you perfectly, your body is beautiful, Rick said and sat down on her lounger.
You are the most beautiful pregnant woman I have ever seen, he concluded at the end
And what, you think I only love you for your body? I love you for your beautiful and uncorrupted heart, for your courage and perseverance, for your tenderness and warmth you show to people, for your nobility and for your personality. Because of combativeness and perseverance. Because of your intelligence and sacrifice. I love you for the person you are and no one or anything will ever change that.

Kate's eyes watered, Rick ... She couldn't speak. I've never heard anything nicer. Thank you, I love you, she said and pushed her head under his jaw. No, thank you, my love, for existing and carrying our little miracle. He said gently and squeezed her closer to him.


It was getting a little dark, so they headed inside, ate a nice dinner, crawled into a big bed, squeezed close together and cuddled, while they slowly sank into the world of dreams and began to dream about the future and the happiness that awaits them.

A small boy appeared in Kate's dreams, blue-eyed, brown-haired, a real charmer, just like his father. Gentle and full of love for everyone. He was a duplicate of Rick. The thought brought a smile to Kate's face.
While Rick dreamed of a little girl, persistent and a little stubborn, but brave and strong, just like her mother she had green-brown eyes and brown hair. She never gave up and always achieved everything she wanted, a real mini version of Kate. A smile crept across his face.

But to see what it would actually be like and what their near future would look like, they had to wait for their little Thumper to come into the world and give them the greatest happiness and love in life.

This chapter is just Caskett style!
Hope you like it!


Part 6 soon💛!

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