Chapter 39

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*37 weeks pregnant*

Two weeks passed and Rick announced that he is coming home on first flight tomorrow morning!
But Kate couldn't be without him for another second, she needed him now, here, to be with her and their little girl ... It was already evening and Kate knew that only one more night need to pass by and her husband will walk through the front door of their apartment.
BUT... but she didn't want to wait that one night, usually when Rick went on book tours she would miss him very much, but this time it's different, this time she can't stand it without him anymore ... maybe it's because of pregnancy and hormones ... She doesn't know, but one thing she knows for sure, she will try to go to bed as soon as possible so that this night, the last night she has to spend alone in their bed, pass as quickly as possible...

In the middle of the night she heard some sounds, but she assumed it was the neighbors downstairs and just when she wanted to go back to sleep, her little girl went into action!
She kicked as if her life depended on it and did not calm down at all, so Kate decided to have a little night conversation with her completely awake and playful daughter...
Hey, baby girl, you don't really sleep, huh? Kate turned to her belly with a smile as she lied in bed. But you know daddy's coming home tomorrow, so he'll tell you goodnight stories, the way only he knows. Your dad tells the most beautiful stories, you know? Kate's smile grew when she remembered all the moments when Rick used to leave her speechless, and there were a lot of them...
That thought just made her miss Rick even more.... his smile, his warm, tender blue eyes and his boyish charm... She loved how Rick had the power to make her feel special with just one simple word, yes, he is a writer so he knows with words, her writer boy as she affectionately calls him.
Oh, I would go all the way to Norway just so I could feel his arms around me, she sighed loudly and continued stroking her pregnant belly...

"... And maybe you just need to turn your head"

She heard a gentle voice coming from the bedroom door...

Rick? Impossible, his flight won't take off until tomorrow, maybe I'm dreaming, Kate thought to herself until she turned her head and saw ... her husband with a bag in his hand and the biggest smile anyone could ever have.
Rick!! She jumped out of bed and landed straight into his arms that were waiting for her wide open.
Hey, happiness of my life! He picked her up in his arms, he loved lifting people up in the air, and if he loved lifting someone the most then it was definitely his Kate.
At the same moment their lips merged into one kiss full of love they had for each other.
The question is, would they ever have separated if they hadn't needed air?

You see, as I promised, I returned home to you, my only one! I always keep my promise, he marked with a smile when he lowered her to the floor, for example when I first saw you I promised myself that I would make you mine and look now the most beautiful woman in the world I can call my wife. Kate enjoyed the moment, her Rick was finally home with them.
And how's daddy's little girl? He placed a hand on Kate's stomach and immediately felt one blow in response.
Yeah, playfully as usual, he laughed happily and reached for his bag on the floor and started looking for something...

See what daddy has for you, Rick turned cheerfully and pulled a baby-sized woolen sweater and cap, a set with Norwegian motifs and a few toys from his bag.
And for Mama I have something else, he added with a smile and kept digging through his bag until he found a little black box...
When Kate opened the box, she saw a bracelet with a star pendant, Kate and their special "Always" engraved on the back. It is Sirius, the largest and brightest star in the sky, Rick explained pointing to the pendant, and you Kate, you are the star of my life, even brighter and more beautiful than Sirius...
And I have this too, he took a step closer and joined his lips to hers. I missed you, he muttered and continued kissing.
Your flight was not supposed to take off until tomorrow, how come you managed to come today? Kate asked when she saw her husband coming out of the bathroom in his pajamas ready to snuggle into bed with her.
Oh, love brought me straight home, I couldn't do without my favorites anymore, he smiled and wrapped his arms around Kate, one arm around her waist and the other protectively placed on her belly, Kate immediately fell asleep because she knew he was right there next to her and their baby girl calmed down as soon as she felt her father's touch.

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