Chapter 37

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*35 weeks pregnant*

Castle walked into New York Airport accompanied by his favorite ladies.
Two redheads behind him and Kate, Kate's hand in his right hand and the bag he carries when he goes on book tours in his left hand.
He won’t be home for two weeks, he’s going to Norway for the premiere of the new Nikki Heat.
"Guess we're here" , he commented a little sadly when he looked at his watch and saw his plane take off in about twenty minutes.
Yes, he liked to go on book tours, but this time it was especially hard for him to go, otherwise he never liked to leave Kate alone for so long, especially now that she was close to her due date.
Hey, it's gonna be okay, I have the two best ones to take care of me, Kate put her hand on his shoulder and looked at Alexis and Martha who will be with her these days, they had to promise Rick to call him if anything happened , even something small.
Don't worry Dad, we'll keep an eye on her, she's in safe hands, Alexis gave him a comforting smile and came closer to give him a hug before he left.
I know you will, Pumpkin! Rick said before letting his daughter out of his arms and spreading his arms toward Martha. Come here, kiddo! Martha pulled her son into her arms. Everything will be fine, don't worry, she comforted him once more. Trust your mother! , she happily pinched his cheek.
Come on, Alexis let's order something to eat for lunch, Martha gestured to her granddaughter to come and let Rick and Kate say goodbye to each other.
Two redheads went to a nearby restaurant...

Rick pulled Kate into his arms as if he leaving forever, not just two weeks, the two weeks that seemed like an eternity to him without his Kate.
Two weeks, not a second more and I'll be home I promise! He said looking at Kate as if his eyes were absorbing every part of her.
I know you will, you always come home to me, Kate smiled and stroked his hair just the way he liked, gently, lightly, just above his neck., he murmured through the kisses and did not separate from Kate's lips.
Their kiss would last an eternity but the monitor rang.

Dear travelers to Norway, this is the last invitation to board!!

You'll be late, Kate gave him another peck on lips and pointed to the boarding gate.

Hey, baby girl, daddy's coming home soon, be good for mommy, Rick put his hand on Kate's belly and said goodbye to his little girl.

Call me anytime, even if you just miss me and my voice, he said gently to Kate and pressed another gentle kiss to her cheek before running to the ticket counter.

You are the last one we are waiting for sir, what took you so long? The older man behind the counter asked with a smile.

Try to have wife like this and leave her alone to go on a book tour, Rick smiled and took one last look at Kate who had just turned around and was walking towards the airport exit.

Kate !! He called her before boarding the plane

Kate and half the people at the airport turned to face him.

I love you! He exclaimed so that the whole airport could hear ...The female part of the observers immediately melted at Rick's statement and in an instant the whole airport heard an "Aww" exclamation.

Katherine, what's going on? Martha asked confused when she and Alexis came back and saw the whole airport watching them.

Oh, ask your son, Kate smiled sweetly and replied "I love you too" to Rick.

Rick boarded the plane with a wide smile, Kate's love for him made the blood run through his veins, his heart beat faster, he could do whatever he wanted because he knew he have her love, with that thought he fell asleep...His lover, his life, his wife, his Kate...Every thought of her made his heart leap with love.

Ah, he had been such a charmer from an early age, Martha laughed when she remembered the thought that her Richard was always able to persuade her colleagues to let him watch her rehearsals when he was little. If “please” didn’t work, his charming boyish smile would always solve the matter.

Martha, Alexis and Kate headed home, this time without the male part of the family, the next two weeks will be just girls.

They shared lunch, hung out, played games, talked, laughed....All in all, they had a great afternoon, but now evening was approaching and it was time to go home...But Alexis's "Kate, I'll stay tonight." Kate was pleasantly surprised by that.
Sure, Lex, Kate said with smile... But what about Max? She asked confused and a little surprised.
Oh, he's spending the weekend in Ohio with his family, and I'm going to spend weekend with mine too, the redhead replied with a big smile
Kate just stared at her. She knew they were connected, but she never thought Alexis would want to spend the weekend just with her when Rick is not home and say that she is  spending weekend with family.
Yes, Kate, you heard right, Alexis approached her, I know you never want to push yourself into my and dad's relationship because we have a past where you're not, and you think your "luggage" doesn't match ours...
but it matches, we are one big happy family and since you entered our life you have become a part of our family, Kate because of you my dad has a smile on his face, you make him immensely happy just like the rest of us...
You know when I first brought Max here, I told him we were going to meet my parents... I never say dad and his wife...Because Kate you are like mom to me, I can always rely on you and I know you are always right here for me and... Alexis walked over to her...We love you, I love you, Alexis hugged Kate, squeezing into her like a little girl wanting to feel her mother's touch. And Kate gave it to her, she was a mother Alexis never had and there is no question that she will continue to do so when the baby is born, both equally loving and being there for them...
I love you too, Lex and I'm glad you're here with me, Kate said, stroking her hair and lightly pressing a kiss to her head, which Alexis more than gladly accepted.

After  Alexis and Kate bonding time, they later watched movie, when the movie ended Alexis announced that she was going to take a shower, and Kate slowly started getting ready for bed, but the sound of the message interrupted her with that intention:

Rick: Hey, honey, we landed safely on Norwegian soil. What do my favorites do? I love you!

Hey, we're just getting ready for bed, and Alexis stayed with us, the girls are guarding the house!
Good night! I love you.

It arrived in response to Rick's message

Kate soon got ready and tucked herself into bed, but instead of Rick's warm and gentle touch this time she felt the cold sheets on his side of the bed...
But soon she heard someone sneaking on toes to her and Rick's room.
Hey, Kate, she heard Alexis's soft voice and saw her approach the bed.
Care if I sleep here tonight? She asked as a five-year-old girl happily waiting for an answer.
Sure, Lex! Kate answered cheerfully and lifted the sheets inviting the young redhead to curl up next to her.

Kate fell asleep looking into Alexis's blue eyes just like her father has...

Hope you like it! Rick is on book tour in Norway🇧🇻 for two weeks while Alexis and Kate have some bonding time! 🤍

Chapter 38 soon💜!

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