Chapter 36

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*34 weeks pregnant*

Today was one of the quiet mornings in New York, there was no car noise, the only thing that could be heard were Castle's quiet footsteps towards the kitchen bar
Hey, Rick wished good morning to Kate who was already sitting at the table, he wrapped his arms around her as he stood behind and gave her a gentle kiss on the neck.
Hey, Kate retorted softly, Rick knew it wasn't ordinary Kate, he knew something was going on, she was distant, thoughtful, like in her little world... Hey, what's bothering you? He asked her gently and took her hand in his, to let her know that he is always here for her. Nothing, nothing, Kate shook her head and still held her husband's hand, she wanted to tell him what was bothering her, but... maybe better not, she thought to herself. Kate, you know you can always tell me everything, I'm here for you and I always will be, Rick lifted her chin slightly and looked her straight in eyes, showing the warmth and love from his blue eyes.
I... Kate started uncertainly, Rick placed his hand gently on her cheek and encouraged her to continue, lightly, gently massaging her cheek with his thumb.
I just want her to meet our little girl, Kate finished in a trembling voice what she had started before.
Then let she meet her today, let’s go visit her and show her our little girl, Rick gently suggested and took his wife in a comforting hug, he knew how much it meant to her.
Really? He heard Kate's voice murmur against his chest. Really, he confirmed and placed a gentle kiss on her head.
Rick held her in his arms and rubbed  light circles on her back, he knew it calmed her down, he knew every little place Kate loved to receive kisses or what kind of hugs she loved the most, he also knew she loved the most when he gave her gentle kisses behind her ear, he knew which side of the bed she preferred to sleep on, he knew which of his shirts she liked to wear the most, he knew that purple was her favorite color, he knew that besides coffee she liked to drink strawberry shake the most, he knew, we could say, everything about Kate, but that woman, his wife surprised him anew every day and that's why it will be exactly as he said when he read his wedding vows
"The mystery of you is the one I want to spend the rest of my life exploring"
When Kate calmed down a bit, they decided to get ready and go slowly...


They entered through an open door with steel bars, walking down a small path of pebbles, looking for a specific gravestone. Kate took over the feeling she had every time she came here, her knees became weak, the events of that night from that dark alley began to spin in her head... She would have fallen if Rick's strong hands hadn't held her.
They stopped in front of a gravestone with familliar name and surname Beckett.

Hey mom, Kate started her usual conversation with her mother as she stood in Rick's embrace.
And Rick is here, Kate looked at her husband, you know I told you about him, we're going to be a family, a real little family, Kate went on as her eyes watered more and more, and Rick was showing her support at all times, but he stood in silence and let her finish the conversation. It's a girl, Kate laid her palm on her already big belly. You're going to be a grandma, every word Kate said harder and harder left her mouth ... Dad was overjoyed when he found out he was going to be a grandpa, you know?
He misses you so much, and I miss you too, I wish you could meet Rick, he's just the kind of guy you wanted me to find ... You'd like him. Now Kate's head was already in Rick's chest, sobbing faintly.
I'm sorry, she said softly as she stepped back and looked at her mother's grave again.
For what, Kate? Rick took her hand lightly and turned Kate toward him. He gently wiped her teary eyes with his thumb and pulled her into another gentle hug, wrapping his arms around her and placing his chin over her head. His firm body was the support Kate's body could lean on, he let her transfer all her weight to him.

When she regained her composure, Kate went to the area where the water cans stood to water the flowers on her mother's grave, and Rick stayed and waited for her.
Returning to the grave, she heard Rick's low voice talking toward her mother's grave...

Mrs. Beckett, it's Rick, I'm sorry I didn't meet you, Kate told me a lot about you, you must been extraordinary just like her, Rick addressed Kate's mother, and Kate stood a few feet from the grave, leaning against a tree. and listened to what Rick would say next...

I’m really lucky to have met Your Kate, you can’t even imagine how much I love her. I will do everything I can to give her and our daughter the best life, I will protect and love them with all my heart, I firmly promise You that, I have two hands, one is the hand in which I hold your daughter’s hand and the other is hand to hit anyone who wants to hurt her, I will tell you the same thing I said to Your husband, Your daughter is my life, my world, my everything, when I first took her hand in mine I swore to love her all my life and it will always be that way, because I can’t imagine a world without her.
Always, Rick repeated once more before he heard footsteps behind him

It was Kate, she came up to him and fell into his arms .... I was listening to you, she said softly as she squeezed into his chest.
And I meant every word I said, Rick whispered and held Kate as she slowly lowered herself to sit on the grass in front of her mother's grave...
Rick got on the grass, sat Kate on his lap and wrapped his arms around her. "I love you Kate" , he whispered as he removed the hair behind her ear. "I love you, too" , Kate retaliated, took his palm and laid it on her belly...
We can stay as long as you want, "I'm here with you, always" , Rick said softly as her head rested on his chest, Rick's arms around her and his palms on her belly as they watched Johanna Beckett's gravestone.

I hope you like the plot of this chapter, to note that there will be more chapters like this when baby is born, I think it’s important to maintain a family bond.🤍

Chapter 37 soon🧡!

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