Chapter 31

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I had a little dilemma about the gender of the baby but I decided and here I am again! Let's go!
It will be ... DUN! DUN! DUN! baby, that's for sure😂, but will Castles get a male or female addition to the family??...


Now let's get to the story...

*30 weeks pregnant*


Today is the day!! I can’t believe we’re going to find out today if our Thumper is a girl or a boy...
My thinking was interrupted by a gentle voice ...
Good morning, one breakfast just for my favorite, Rick said as he set down the tray on the night stand and placed a kiss on my cheek.

Hey, lover, good morning, I smiled and pulled him into another kiss.
I'm going to get dressed, to be ready when Lanie and Alexis come so we can go right away, he said and started to get out of bed.
Lanie and Alexis go with us for an ultrasound so they can find out the gender and later organize a Caskett baby gender reveal at the Hamptons.

Rick? I called him when he was at the door.

Hm? He turned

Would you maybe join me for breakfast?
So I can have a moment with my hubby? , I asked smiling sweetly

Of course you can, beauty, and since when do you call me hubby? He asked with a smile when he rejoined me on the bed.

Ever since you are so cute, I said with a smile, but we can always go back to our classic Castle.

Oh, no, I'm your hubby, you know how much I enjoy being called your husband, he smiled.

As much as I love being called your wife, but you'll get a new name soon. It's going to be dad, soon, I said, and laid my hand on my already big pregnant belly.

Dad, he repeated and looked me in the eyes. It is the greatest role a man can get in life...

And, you, Kate, you will be an extraordinary mother, a mother any child can wish for, he said softly as he placed kisses on my belly

I love you, we both said when our lips met.

And now it's time for breakfast! He said cheerfully.

Rick, you don't have to feed me, I said through a laugh, as he held a pancake in front of my mouth.
Yes, I have to, I want to and I will! he said with a sweet smile, unless you want to feed me, he smiled and opened his mouth wide waiting for food.

I seem to already have one baby.

You can always practice on me, he said with a smile.
And just to note in addition to food, I love receiving kisses too! He said with a grin

I gave him a look.
What? He asked innocently, when he had finished eating. So, will I get that kiss? He asked with a puppy look. You'll get ... only this! I said laughing as I smeared jam on his face.

All right, all right, he muttered and started preparing for a "counterattack" , but just at that moment the bell rang...

You'll get back for this, Mrs. Castle, he said with a smile as he walked toward the door

It would be most ideal to show what you have in return, tonight, I teased him.
Oh, I will, I will! , he cast a smile


Hey, Castle, are we interrupting something? Lanie asked, laughing.

Ah, Lanie, when it comes to the two of them, you don't even have to ask, you know they're always doing something Alexis tossed.

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