Chapter 17

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Mr. , Mrs. Castle, it's your turn.

we heard the nurse's voice, Rick took my hand and we headed for the infirmary.

Hello, Dr. Rodriguez greeted us in a pleasant voice.

Hello, Rick and I said. I see the baby growing nicely, she noticed when she looked at my belly.
Yes, I smiled. I've become huge, I feel like I'm three times bigger than before, I said a little sadly. Kate, you are developing a child, it is a common thing, all pregnant women feel that way, explained Dr. Rodriguez. Tell her please doctor I am trying to convince her that she is beautiful and that pregnancy is great on her but she will not listen to me, Rick said with a smile.

You really should listen to your husband because you are one beautiful pregnant woman, Dr. Rodriguez agreed with Rick.

Come to the table and let's see how everything is progressing, she invited me.

She put a gel probe on my stomach and turned on the ultrasound. After a few minutes, she turned to me and Rick with a smile on her face. Everything is fine, your baby is making great progress.
You are in the 20th week of pregnancy which means you have done about 4 and a half months and then 4 and half more and your baby will be born. Now it's the beginning of April, your due date should be the end of August, the beginning of September, I can't determine the exact date yet, but I'll be able to do that after a few ultrasounds, she said with a smile.

Rick took my hand in his, only 4 and a half months left and our little Thumper will be here, I will do my best to make those 4 and a half months as relaxed and beautiful as possible for you and our baby, he said with a smile and lightly kissed my forehead.

Always? I asked him gently. Always, he confirmed

Can we find out the gender? I asked excitedly and turned to Dr. Rodriguez. Unfortunately not yet, she retorted. Sex can only be seen in the 30th week of pregnancy, but we can listen to the heartbeat, she suggested. Both Rick and I immediately agreed.

The room soon filled with loud heartbeats
"Boh, Boh, Beh, Bup, Bou"

Aw, it's our little Thumper, Rick and I both melted when we heard our baby's heartbeat

Yes, Dr. Rodriguez agreed, very good and rhythmic beat, heart beats properly and in rhythm, she added with a smile.

How many copies of the sonogram will there be this time? Dr. Rodriguez asked with a smile as she turned off the ultrasound. Five, make five, Rick and I agreed. One for us, one for Alexis and Max, one for Martha, one for Jim and one for the boys and Lanie and Jenny.


Dr. Rodriguez came back after a few minutes and gave us sonograms.
Oh, yes, one question, Dr. Rodriguez, we remembered.
We thought to go on a roadtrip with a few friends over the spring break ... can we do that given the pregnancy? We asked.
I see no reason why not, she said cheerfully, your pregnancy is going perfectly, just make sure you don't overdo it and get too exhausted and everything will be great, but I have no doubt that Mr. Castle will take good care of you, she said with a smile.

We both smiled, arranged the next checkup and said goodbye to Dr. Rodriguez.


Now we can call Espo, let him know we can go, I said cheerfully as we walked towards the car.

Of course, Rick replied with a big smile. Now you have a new assignment, you have to take care of me and our Thumper while we're on vacation, I said with a big smile.
The best task ever! Of course I will always look after my queen and our prince / princess, he said and approached in a kiss. I love you, I whispered. And I love you even more, he replied gently.

Ola, Sito! Rick greeted Espo when he answered the phone that was on the speaker. Or should I have said Esplaine, Rick joked when he heard Lanie's voice in the background, and he knew Espo didn't like that "ship name". Say, kitten, Espo retaliated with the same measure. It was better not call him at all then call him kitten, Rick hated that nickname, which Meridath gave him.

We're in for a roadtrip! Rick said cheerfully. Great, Espo answered.
Ryans? Rick asked again. And they go, moreover now they will come here so we can agree where we are going, And you and Kate come, so that we can all agree together, or better to shorten and say Caskett, now Espo has started joking with shipping names. Call us whatever you want, my friend, as long as I am with Kate I am the happiest man in the world and nothing can change that, he said happily and looked proudly at Kate. Aww, you two, you're so cute, Lanie commented.


We can go somewhere in New York to or to California, or ... The guys started making suggestions for a roadtrip. Italy! Lanie, Kate, and Jenny exclaimed in one voice. Italy? The male trio raised their heads. Yes, the women continued excitedly, we can go to Milan, Venice, Turin, Sicily ... Okay, Ryan agreed and looked towards Jenny, let's go to Italy! he said and hugged her. Lanie waited for Espo to react. Of course, chica, let's go explore Italy, he said with a smile and approached Lanie.

Come il mio amore desidera,

Rick said with a smile and pulled Kate into his arms.
Aw, Lanie, and Jenny immediately melted away at Rick's reaction. Really man? Ryan and Espo asked Rick. You always have to be so romantic that we can’t keep up with you at all.

Ah, I'm sorry guys, when you're charming, you're just charming, Rick joked with guys.

The rest of the evening Ryan, Espo, and Rick imposed themselves on who was more charming and romantic, and Lanie, Kate, and Jenny enjoyed the attention they received from their gentlemens.

The deal is here! Roadtrip to Italy is approaching!🇮🇹

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Part 18 soon!

🇮🇹:Prepara il tuo italiano perché presto andremo in Italia. Ovviamente il libro sarà ancora in inglese ma ci saranno un paio di parole italiane.

🇬🇧:Prepare your Italian because we will soon be going to Italy. Obviously the book will still be in English but there will be a couple of Italian words.

Second ultrasound picture of Thumper!

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Second ultrasound picture of Thumper!

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