Chapter 41

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*39 weeks pregnant*

Today is reserved only for Esplaine, their wedding day.

The chapel was chosen, Lanie decided on the wedding dress she chose with Kate, the newlyweds were ready for the reception the only thing they were waiting for were their friends and family...
Rick adjusted the finishing detail of the bow tie on his tuxedo and prepared for Lanie and Espo's big day while Kate was finishing tidying up.
But when he saw Kate just emerging from the bathroom in a light blue dress with a half-open back that fit her body so perfectly and her hair up in a bun as a few strands of hair fell along her perfectly smiling face, all his effort of tying a bow tie was perished because the bow was untied again.
His mouth was wide open, he couldn't stop admiring the woman standing in front of him, the woman he will take by the arm and take her through the door of their apartment, his wife...
WOAH! the only word he said as his Kate stood in front of him smiling sweetly.
"Miss, what's your ring size because I want to marry you all over again! ", Rick said with a naturally charming smile as he tried again to concentrate on tying his bow tie, but he didn't quite succeed because his gaze was everywhere just not on the bow tie , and of course Kate stole the most attention.
You know I'm already yours, Kate smiled and pointed to the wedding ring around her finger, next to which stood another, the engagement one.
And now come here Prince Charming to tie that bow tie! Kate took her husband by the collar of his tuxedo and pulled him to her.
In just a few seconds the bow tie was tied and perfectly fitted. Rick had always wondered how it was possible that what he had been trying for a full half hour Kate could do in an instant. So it was with Alexis, before Rick met Kate, every time he struggled with tying a tie or a bow tie for a meeting, and Alexis would come and do the job without any problems. Women are really special, what would they do without them? What would he do without Kate? He concluded after a few moments when he heard a beautiful voice of the woman he love with all his being and heart calling to him.
Is it?? Is it time?? Are you in labor ?! Okay just calm down, just calm down, Rick! Rick tried to calm down but he still panicked so much that he didn't even notice Kate looking at him with her arms crossed and waiting for him to calm down.
When he finished panicking he noticed Kate standing in front of him laughing, looking completely normal without any pain.
You're ... You're not in pain? , Rick asked confused.
No I’m not because I don’t have labor pains and I hope you don’t react like this when my water really break because it’s going to happen in about a week... and I just wanted to tell you   to charm a little less today because this is Espo’s and Lanie’s day after all...
It's like asking Superman not to be too super! Rick tossed as he and Kate headed for the door ready to leave.
Oh then we don't need a car at all Mr. Superman you can take us by air! Kate accepted the game and took the opportunity to tease a bit.
You got me good this time! Rick admitted as they drove toward their friends ’wedding venue.
Hey, finally you two too! What took you so long? The Ryans asked as soon as they noticed their friends coming.
Something distracted him, Kate laughed and turned to Rick. Something really nice, not to mention how hot, Rick continued to smile. Okay, okay you don't have to tell us every detail of your private life, Jenny and Ryan saw where this was going and stopped it in time.
I'll let you three talk, I'm going to see the bride, Kate soon disappeared through the crowd, came to the room where Lanie was and knocked lightly on the door.
Girl, is that you? Of course it's me! , Kate returned cheerfully, opened the door and saw her best friend in front of the mirror in the wedding dress they had chosen together.
Kate helped Lanie with the final preparations and soon it was time to head to the altar.
Walter, Lanie's father took his daughter by the arm and led her to the altar, Jim did the same thing at Kate's and Rick's wedding and so did Jenny's father at her and Ryan's.
Ryan and Rick pointed thumbs up at the nervous Espo, the two of them knew what it felt like, yes it is without a doubt the happiest day of your life, but what if you forgot the rings? Or vows? It creates nervousness while you are waiting for your bride ... But when you see your better half, on whose hand you will put the ring of your love today, all your thoughts disappear and the only thing you see is her and her smile.
The festive music began and the ceremony began.... Lanie walked in holding her father by the arm, and Espo checked his pockets for rings once more, just as Rick had done on his wedding day before he saw Kate and from that moment he didn't take the smile off his face...
Kate leaned on Rick's shoulder and watched the exchange of vows, placing of rings... It reminded her of her wedding day.
The ceremony was followed by a toast and then the celebration, Mr. and Mrs. Esposito did not take a smile off their faces as they enjoyed each other's company as they watched their friends and family have fun.
Ryan, Rick, Jenny and Kate sat at the same table and laughed with all their hearts, they were glad that their friends found a way to make it work, just when Ryan started telling another anecdote of his and Espo's, Jenny apologized, got up from the table and headed for the bar, she already knew all  Ryan-Espo duo stories, and she was thirsty so she decided to go get something to drink, Kate wanted to do the same and join her, but blow she received from her daughter prevented, she knew there was no reason to worry because it was just a blow, it was a little stronger because the baby was bigger, but of course Kate’s sitting back in the chair couldn’t go unnoticed by Rick, who had been on alert all these days like a strained rifle because due date is getting closer and closer.
Oh, boy! It is time! It's time, Ryan! What should I do ?? Rick was all confused wich was funny to watch and didn't know what to do, Kate tried to call out to him but none of it, he was too busy panicking.
How do I know what to do ?? Ryan joined and now they were a real panicked duo. Call Jenny! They both remembered the same time.
Jenny!!! Jenny!!! Ryan started yelling his wife's name.
What's the matter, Kevin? Jenny ran to the table and saw Ryan and Rick as little lost boys. After Kate tried to call Rick countless times to tell him she was NOT in labor, she saw that it's not going to work, so she switched the other way, when he was close enough, she stretched out her hand and managed to pull him by the tuxedo.
Okay, people, fake alert this time !! Rick announced with relief when Kate finally managed to explain to him that it was just a punch.
Don’t worry he’s not the worst, you remember what Kevin was like when I was pregnant with Sarah Grace, Jenny smiled when she remembered how her husband then behaved similarly to how Rick behaves now.
Rick spent the rest of the afternoon persuading Kate that they might be better off going home so she could rest and not strain...
For the twenty-fifth time Rick, I’m fine, we came to the wedding! Enjoy! Let's go dancing! Kate pulled him by the arm on the dance floor to dance to a song that had just started playing after Espo's and Lanie’s wedding song.
When it was already evening Espo and Lanie said goodbye to everyone and set off on their honeymoon, they would be gone for a week, meaning Ryan will be without his "bromance partner" for a week.
You see everything went great and I’m fine, Kate and Rick or  just Caskett got back to the apartment around midnight.
It was one of the most beautiful weddings they attended... Ryan's, Espo's ... And of course theirs.

I know I'm just saying we should be on  alert because it can happen at any moment, Rick went back to the theme of their daughter's birth when they were both in their pajamas, at least Kate, and Rick only wore pants because he didn't like to wear a T-shirt in the summer, Kate of course liked this bed outfit even more  because she could hear his heartbeat even more clearly when she rested her head on his firm chest.
Great! You be on alert and I go to sleep, Kate joked with her husband, lowered the pillow,  covered herself and snuggled, but only after a few seconds she woke up, reached for Rick's arm and laid it around her waist...
"You know I can't fall asleep without your hug," she murmured before her eyes began to close and sleep took over her body. Rick pulled her closer to him and wrapped both arms around her so he was spooning her from behind.
"Neither can I fall asleep without you in my arms"
Rick whispered lightly and placed one gentle kiss on her neck before letting the dream world take over.
In his dreams appeared the same woman who appears to him every night, who always brings a smile to his face, who now just sleeps peacefully in his arms, who is everything in the world to him ... His Kate.

It's going to happen soon👶!!!

Part 42 soon🤍!!

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