Chapter 40

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*38 weeks pregnant*

Hey, is the pasta ready? Rick asked Kate as he went to open the door for Max and Alexis, the two of them will join them for dinner tonight.
Hey! He greeted them happily but his joy was replaced by a pale face when he saw what Max was holding in his hands.
Rick, what happened? Kate called to her husband when she saw that his face had suddenly turned pale.
The...The...Rick pointed to Alexis and Max, but in shock he couldn't find the words to say...What is it? After Kate set the plates down, she came to the door to see what had confused Rick so much that he, who always had too much to say, could not utter a single word now.
Baby?!? How? When? Alexis, when were you planning to tell me that? Those were the only words Rick was able to find after calming down a bit.
And you! young man, you and I will have a few words later, you know! Rick glared at Max.
Rick let them at least explain, Kate sided with Alexis and Max and tried to calm Rick down.
There's nothing to explain, Kate. It's a baby! And we all know how a baby comes.
Dad! Dad, calm down! It's not what you think, Alexis said with a laugh ... This is Lia, Max's little niece, Alexis explained to her father when she took  baby in her arms.
Ha, so niece! , Rick bit his tongue because of his previous reaction, but now he was smiling broadly... Kate gave him one of her looks and everything was clear to him...
Come on, come here, Rick called to them and patted Max on the shoulder friendly, and exchanged their usual hug with his daughter.
Then...Mr. Castle...I mean Rick...We don't need to talk...right? Max asked uncertainly maybe even a little scared.
Not yet, Rick gave him a friendly look, but ... he continued in a serious voice, if-Rick! Kate stunned him and Rick knew right away that it was time to stop because if he didn’t then he would get one usual Kate Beckett treatment.
You wouldn't be a cool grandpa at all, just so you know, Alexis joked as everyone ate at the table, Rick and Kate on one side, and opposite them Max and Alexis as little Lia sat in the chair between Max and Alexis laughing sweetly while she was playing with the edge of Max's shirt.
Stop right where you started, miss, your father is too young to be a grandfather! And let me mention that I don't expect that in the next few years.
Ouch! Rick exclaimed when he got a light kick from Kate under the table
What have I done now ?? He asked confused as Alexis and Kate laughed and Max entertained his niece.
Learn to accept a joke! Kate tossed it to him and got up to take the plates to the sink because they were done eating.
I'll help you! Alexis jumped in, took a few plates from Kate's hands and the two of them headed for the kitchen, Max and Rick stayed at the table.
Rick noticed that Max's brown eyes concentrated on Alexis's every move, looking at her with a kind of admiration, following her fluttering hair, her gait ... Rick knew that look, it was the same look he had when he first saw Kate...
You really like her, don't you? Rick asked and came to sit next to Max
No, sir, I love her, I really love her. After saying this, Max gathered the courage to look Rick in the eyes, I would do anything for your daughter, whatever she wants, he said and thus showed Rick how much he care about Alexis.
You're a good young man, Max, I'm glad my Lex found someone like you, but you know all fathers have a protective attitude... After their little male conversation, Lia, who had fallen asleep in Max's lap, woke up so Rick and Max started playing with her, covering their eyes with their hands and then opening again with the sound of "Ka-boo," and little Lia loudly laughed and enjoyed the game.

A few hours after the family get-together, little Lia was starting to get tired so Alexis and Max decided to head home slowly...
Come on, uncle's favorite! Max lifted Lia in his arms, he and Alexis said goodbye to Kate and Rick before leaving the apartment, heading for the car and home.

And Rick was nervous again, he liked Max, but his fatherly side prevailed.
He sat on the couch but he couldn't calm down, he knew there was no reason to worry, but...he couldn't help himself....he needed someone to calm him down, to tell him that everything would be okay and that it was a normal sequence of events for Alexis, that his little girl grows up but that he will always be important in her life...
He soon felt a hand on his shoulder, it was Kate, she gave him a gentle look, and he gave her a "I need you" look in return.
Hey, she took his hand in hers and sat down next to him.
Then? She asked, and Rick lay down on the couch and laid his head in her lap, he had less space than usual because their little girl who was in Kate's belly took up most of the space, but Rick somehow managed to squeeze in and fit into her lap.
Kate stroked his hair lightly, she knew he loved it, and when he lay down on her lap, and that was very rare because she lay more in his, then she knew he really needed it.
Okay, Max and Alexis came with a baby who established to be Max’s niece, for Kate it was a little shocking at first, but then when they clarified it ended in laughter. But for Rick ... Alexis now communicates with him a little less often because of all the responsibilities she has ... They would say his reaction was exaggerated, but no one who has no children can understand that, and Kate knew she didn't really know what that feeling was like, until the day she will take her own daughter in her arms.
And she could not wait for that day, the day she would take her daughter in her arms.
I’m not a good father, Kate, imagine if that with baby really happened I would have reacted the same way, that’s not the way a father should react, Rick established sadly and looked away.
Rick, you reacted that way because you care, because you care about your daughter because you love her, because your heart would break if something happened to her ... Kate gently pulled his head to look into her eyes...You are a fantastic father to Alexis and you will be a fantastic father to our baby girl, I assure you of that, she said and lowered her head towards his to give him a kiss.

This is just a fill-in chapter!!!

Chapter 41 soon🤍!

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