Chapter 30

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*29 weeks pregnant*

Hey, it was Espo, he said a special guest came to the precinct, who would like to see us, Kate said after she hung up.

You go, I'll be there in half an hour, I have to do something, okay? Rick asked from the office.

What do you have to do? Kate asked and came to his office.
Um .... Nothing .... Something for the book, he tossed the words uncertainly.
Rick? Kate gave him a look.
It’s really something for the book, he started to reassure her, and she seems convinced enough that she went to the bathroom and started tidying up.
Huh, this was close ..., Rick sighed, after Kate went to the bathroom and couldn't hear him anymore.

He took his mobile phone, dialed someone's phone number and put his mobile phone to his ear ...
Hey, a familiar female voice answered.
Hey, Pumpkin! Is the plan still valid?
Of course, Alexis confirmed.
Okay, great. Um, listen, Kate and I have to go to the precinct, so ...
Don't worry, Dad, me, Max and Gram have everything under control. Alexis interrupted him. Before you two get home everything will be done.
You are the best! Rick said cheerfully.
I love you! Rick added
I love you too, Dad! Alexis retorted.

Kate just came out of the bathroom ...

Okay, I have to go, I'll talk to you later, Rick whispered and hung up quickly, not to look suspicious.
Rick, what are you doing? Kate asked as Rick quickly moved his cell phone into the drawer.
Nothing, nothing .... I'm looking for ... A pen! For writing! He thought of it.
But  you always write on your laptop? Kate asked confused.
Well ... Today I just wanted to write with a pencil, somehow he managed to get away.
Um, okay, I'm going to the station, see you there. I love you!
Yes, see you! I love you too! Rick retaliated.


At the precinct

What do we have some special case or? Kate asked the boys as she stepped out of the elevator
Nope, one person would like to see you again after a long time, that's all, they replied with a smile.

Again?? Kate asked in astonishment

Mhm, boys nodded.

Just as she began to wonder who it might be, the answer to her question had just arrived.

Detective Beckett, I didn't think I'd see you again, a familiar voice greeted her.

Agent Shaw ?? Beckett asked in astonishment
That's right, I see a lot has changed since we last saw each other, she remarked and looked at Kate's belly.
Kate nodded with a smile.
May I ask who the lucky gentleman is, Beckett? She asked with a smile.

Just then Rick came to the precinct and headed for Kate and Agent Shaw.
Oh, it looks like your partner came too, Shaw said when she saw Castle
Good morning, Mr. Castle, nice to see you again, Shaw said in a pleasant voice as Rick joined them.
Nice to see you too, Agent Shaw! Coffee? He asked.
I see you stayed the same, Shaw remarked and accepted the coffee.
I have to admit, it's really nice to see you and Beckett again, she said once more after drinking her first sip of coffee.
Actually it's Mrs. Castle now, Rick added with big smile and wrapped his arm around Kate.
Then first I need to congratulate you both, and I have to say I’m not surprised, I knew it was going to happen sometime, she added, laughing.
I guess I can play with some of your FBI cool toys, now that I'm married to a cop? Rick joked.
I see you haven't really changed at all, Mr. Castle, Shaw joked too. Once childish, always childish, Rick added.
But luckily for me, my boyish charm won the most beautiful woman I could ever wish for, Rick concluded happily.
Yep, I knew it would end like this, you two together. Not all those bets were in vain, she laughed.
What bets? Castle and Beckett asked in sync.
Oh, when I first came here, your colleagues were betting on when and if you would end up together, and I have to say they must have made quite a bit of money on you, she laughed.

Really, guys, betting on our love life, it's low even for you, Beckett said and gave Lanie and the boys a look.
Come on, we knew you two are ment to be, all three smiled and gave an innocent look.
Speaking about the bet, Mr. Esposito I think you owe me another twenty dollars, Lanie said with a smile.
On what now? Espo asked confused.
I told you the Caskett baby is coming this summer, and you said there is no way that would happend before winter, and as things stand ... Lanie finished with a smile.
It’s not fair, you’re girls, you understand those things, Espo objected unsatisfactorily and took money out of his pocket.
I mean, you know, there's always another way you can repay your debt, Lanie said with a seductive smile.
In that case, don't worry Mrs. Esposito to be, tonight we will settle all debts, Espo said, now smiling broadly.

You five are really fascinating, it's called a real team! Agent Shaw said with a smile and said goodbye to all five before heading for the elevator because she had a new case.
I hope to see you again soon...
Oh, and I put twenty bucks that is going to be a girl! , she added with a big smile.

She was talking, of course, about the Caskett baby.

I say it will be a boy! Lanie said with a smile.
This will become our job! Betting on Caskett, Espo commented and laughed.
You're right, Javi! Ryan agreed, maybe we should already slowly start betting on Caskett baby number 2, he joked.

If so, then we should hurry, Castle said with a smile and looked at Kate.
He and Ryan got one Beckett look in return.
.... And that is the look, Castle concluded. Trust me I get a lot of these. Start walking, he said and pulled Ryan. Faster, faster, he whispered as they walked away.

And coffee for everyone! The duo returned after a few minutes with coffee.
You know I can't drink coffee, Kate said after Castle handed her a cup.
Oh, who says it's coffee? He asked and gave her a gentle smile.
Is it...? Kate asked after drinking her first sip.
It is. Your favorite, strawberry shake. He retaliated.
How did you manage to get that?
I have my ways, Mrs. Castle...


There were no new cases today, so Captain Gates decided to let them all home earlier.
Kate got ready and went to tell Rick to go home.
No, no, is everything in order? She heard Rick talking on the phone.
And you set that up? He continued.
Kate knocked lightly on the break room door.
Okay, great, I have to go, someone is here, he whispered and hung up quickly.
Hey ... Kate ... I was just ... Are we going home? He uttered the words awkwardly.
Ye-yes, she said, confused by Rick's strange behavior.
Great, he said, grabbed his jacket and together they headed for the elevator.
They took the elevator ride in silence, as did the rest of the drive home.


Rick, will you finally tell me what's going on? Kate asked as they entered the loft.
What, what's going on? He tried to get away.
Rick, Kate called to him and put on a detective look, from which he could not get away.
You're right, there's something I didn't tell you, I planned it more to be a surprise, but I should have known better than to try and surprise the world's greatest detective...
So, you know that room where we kept old things and a pantry? He started.
Yes? Kate confirmed a little confused.
Well, that's not that room anymore, he said and called Kate up the stairs.
Today I called Alexis, Max and my mother and organized them to rearrange it into...nursery for our little Thumper! He said when he opened the door.
They just removed all the old furniture and freed up the space, and we’ll paint and buy new furniture next week when we find out if we are getting a little mister or a little miss.

Then what do you say? he asked with a smile and turned to Kate.
I say you can't hide anything from me, and I adore all your surprises, she said and squeezed into his arms as they watched the future room for their little one...

I love you, she whispered as his arms were wrapped around her.
I love you too, Kate, Rick retaliated and drew her even closer to him
And we love you the most in the world, they said in a sweet voice and laid their hands on Kate’s belly as their fingers intertwined.

Hope you like this chapter and reunion with FBI agent Jordan Shaw!
And a suprise!
Oh, and one thing, not to forget, in two next chapters there will be baby gender reveal!!!
So please write in comments what you want first Caskett baby to be!

Boy(💙) or Girl(💗)

Chapter 31 soon💚!

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