Chapter 28

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*27 weeks pregnant*

It was about four o'clock in the afternoon when Rick's cell phone rang, he and Kate spent their free afternoon talking, laughing ....

Oh, hey! Rick said when he answered the phone

Yes, yes, in the office, in half an hour as we agreed before, he confirmed.

Okay, great, see you! He greeted and hung up.

Oh, that was Haley, we have to arrange some things because I might have a tour soon, and she's my new secretary.
Rick clarified when he noticed Kate's confused look.

Aaha! That’s why she couldn’t come to our high school  gathering, Kate concluded.

As an anniversary celebration since you did finish high school? This time Rick was the one with the confused expression on his face.

Yes! I almost forgot to tell you, today around six o'clock a couple of us from high school will meet for dinner, Kate announced.

Sounds interesting, I'll probably finish soon so call me when you're done and I'll pick you up, Rick said and smiled.

You know, I can come by taxi or someone will bring me home, no problem, Kate smiled

And, no, no, miss, tonight I will be your taxi driver, Rick replied charmingly.

When you insist, she said and her cheeks flushed, Rick could always make her feel that way. He treats her like she's the only woman in the world, he would do anything for her, he always puts her wishes and needs ahead of his ... Yes, that's her Rick, Kate thought happily as his loving blue eyes stared straight into hers.

Kate smiled broadly.
What would I do without your smile? He asked and went for a kiss.
After a few minutes Kate got up, I have to get ready or I'll be late, she said and headed for the bedroom. You don't have to dress up, you're already beautiful, Rick said as he entered the room. Yes, right, in a wide T-shirt and pants for home, she laughed and started looking for clothes in the closet. Still the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, Rick sweetly added.


Rick was dressed for his meeting, and Kate still hadn’t tidied up, the dresses were on the bed, and Kate was standing and looking in the mirror with a sad expression on her face. Hey I-Rick started, but stopped when he saw Kate's expression.
What happened? He asked gently.
Nothing, nothing, I have nothing to wear, look at me how wide and fat I am, Kate said disappointedly still looking in the mirror.

You are the most beautiful to me, Rick said and wrapped his arms around her.

You have to say that because I'm your wife, she sighed, come on if I'm beautiful to you which part of my body is beautiful to you, look how clumsy and fat I am, Kate continued in a sad tone.

These are the eyes, the eyes I get lost in every time I look at them, Rick started, this is the smile that makes my heart beat, these are the hands that always hold mine, this is the hair, the hair I like to feel every morning when I wake up, these are the breasts that will breastfeed our ball of happiness in two and a half months, this is the belly where our little Thumper now rests, these are the lips that drive me crazy and I want to kiss constantly and forever and most importantly, Rick pointed to her chest, this is the heart, the heart of the woman I fell in love with and who I fall in love with more and more every day.

And I could go on like this all day, Kate I love you, every part of you, I love you all indescribably.

I ... Kate started but didn't know what to say, Rick moved closer and pressed his lips gently to hers ... I love you, Kate whispered as they parted. Kate, I will love you forever and you are the most beautiful and only woman for me, you know that, he said in a gentle voice and kissed her once more before he left the room and headed for the door.


Kate finally decided to go with a black elegant dress.
In fifteen minutes she was at the agreed restaurant and waiting for the rest.

Clara and Emily, Kate's two high school best friends, appeared at the door.

Hey, Katie! They greeted her cheerfully when they reached the table. Or we should have said K-Bex, Emily joked, that was Kate’s nickname on school days.

I see there's a lot new at you, they noticed with a smile and looked at Kate's belly.

Kate started talking about pregnancy, later Clara and Emily talked about their husbands, so they talked about work and everything ... And so two and a half hours passed, no one else showed up but the three of them had great time.

Until.... Maddie and Rebecca, fluttered to their desk, tidy and dressed as if they were going to a fashion show

They have always been the most popular in school, conceited and mainstream.
They thought no one was equal to them.

Are you still that detective? They asked arrogantly.

Yes, I am, and you? Kate tried to be kind.

Hah, I feel so safe, Maddie commented sarcastically and looked at Kate's belly

Oh, girl we work for the biggest fashion company in L.A., they said as they waved their hair and pretended to be important.

After an hour of constant talking of Rebecca and Maddie about how they are the best and how everything is going in their lives, Kate, Emily and Clara couldn't listen to it anymore, so Kate called Rick to pick her up...


Omg Rebecca! Maddie called out to her in a squeaky voice and almost spilled the wine she was drinking
What? Rebecca gave her a look. Look at! Maddie said and pointed to Rick who had just walked into the restaurant.
Omg! Rebecca began to share her enthusiasm with Maddie.
It's Richard Castle! Now they were both squealing and giggling.
What about the three of you, Richard Castle just walked into a restaurant and you don’t react? Maddie and Rebecca asked in astonishment.
Kate just smiled slightly.
Maddie and Rebecca almost suffered a heart attack when they noticed Rick walking toward their desk.
Okay, Rebecca, act normal! Maddie said and put on a big seductive smile.
But I can't, look at how handsome he is! Rebecca said euphorically as Rick got closer and closer.
I know,right? He is so hot, Maddie added and they both started giggling again. God, he can have any woman he wants !, they said in one voice and started flirting with their hair.

Rick came to their table, Maddie and Rebecca blushed and looked at him and adjusted their hair. But Rick didn't even notice them. Hey, love, he said and placed a kiss on Kate's cheek.

Maddie and Rebecca were completely shocked ...
You and him? It was all they could say.

Oh, hey, I'm Rick, Kate's husband, Rick introduced himself.

Duh! Of course we know who you are, you are the Richard Castle.

Oh, call me Rick, and trust me I am more honored to be called the husband of this beautiful woman than The Richard Castle, the author. Rick said with a smile and turned his gaze to Kate.

Shall we? Rick asked and held out his hand, waiting for Kate

Kate took his hand and they walked out of the restaurant together as Maddie and Rebecca stared with their mouths open.


And one red rose, for my prettiest, Rick said with a smile and handed Kate a rose as they sat in the car.

Thanks, she said softly. You know, she went on when we were at dinner Maddie and Rebecca commented that you can have any woman you want, she finished a little sad.
Kate, for me there is only one woman, it's you,and it will always be just you,
I want you and I will always want you. You are the love of my life, he said and gave her one loving kiss to prove everything he just said.

This is longer one, hope you like it! 🥺

Part 29 soon💗!

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