Chapter 15

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What did it deserve to get your beautiful smile, Rick asked in a hoarse morning voice as he moved closer to me to see what I was looking at on my cell phone. We were still in bed, me in a sitting position, and Rick's head on my shoulder. He was so funny and sweet with that hoarse voice of his in the morning, he was a deep but at the same time intermittent voice.

This, I showed him my cell phone and what Lanie sent me:

This, I showed him my cell phone and what Lanie sent me:

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Lanie: Tb when we both had short hair😂

Aw, you were adorable with short hair, you’re always adorable, Rick said gently and pressed his lips to mine.

But what does "tb" mean he asked looking confused at my cell phone.

“Throwback,” you’ll have to keep up with modern times and abbreviations, Grandpa, I joked and laughed. How else will you know what Alexis is sending you in messages or our Thumper when she/he grows up, I asked him with a smile.

Well if I’m a grandpa, then that makes you a grandma, he remarked.

Okay, handsome young man, is that better? I asked him with a smile. Much better, he retorted and gave me another kiss. But when I see that my versatile wife is so gifted with technology and everything, can I ask you something, but promise,  no laughing.

Um, I don't know, it's going to be hard, but okay, okay, I agreed.

So, Alexis sent me a video one day, of a ridiculous dog taking everyone’s shoes and putting them in his kennel.
And below she wrote "LOL"
And I replied "love you too"
But she wrote "um okay, dad, haha"

What did you think “LOL” meant exactly, I asked him, trying to refrain from laughing.

“Lots of love” he said a little confidently.

Haha, I couldn’t stand it anymore without laughing. “Lol” means “laugh out loud” I explained to him. Those abbreviations don't work very well for you, do they? I asked him with a smile.

I guess I'll have to go to some instructions with you, he said with a slightly seductive smile.

We can definitely agree on something about that, Mr. Castle, I retorted and winked
But now let’s go eat breakfast first.


We ate breakfast, but Rick just kind of fiddled with his plate. What is it, Rick? I asked him. I think it will happen soon, he sighed. What exactly do you mean? I asked again.

Alexis and Max, I think they might soon, you know, settle down and put a ring on their hand. He finished. And that worries you, I asked and took his hand in mine. Yes, she will leave, she will start her own life, and I can't give her any advice about it, or choose a wedding dress for her, or ... it's, so to speak, a woman's thing. I’m her father, I can try as hard as I want, but it will never be the same, you know she will never share all the details with me, you know what I mean.

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