Chapter Seven

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I couldn't help but question Zack's question in my head as we headed further into Gorlodion. How had I become so strong, so confident. Only a little while ago I had been writing in my diary, all that we had  been through back in Sinistral before I had ruined everything instead of fixing things. They had tricked us, so why am I this confident considering we have nothing?

I guess I need to keep hope. Hope is all we have right now and I believe I need to have hope to keep Zack hoping too.

Gorlodion is beautiful. Its the complete opposite to Sinistral. I feel really angry that I had ended up in Sinistral instead of here. If I came here, I would of never had to meet my uncle, feel like this is all my fault, even if they had tricked me.

How can someone like me ruin so much? Why had my finger print done such a thing? This place is peaceful, its refreshing. I can just start to imagine what they are going to do to this place.

Screaming made us stop in our tracks. "That's coming from up ahead. Do you think?" he asked me.

"I don't know if its them but lets be careful," I said as we carry on but more slowly as the trees and flowers seemed to slowly decrease. We finally reach a huge clearing, a village. It's small but it seems peaceful enough. 

Well apart from the crowd forming in the middle of the village. Up ahead there has to be at least half a dozen of Scars. They have gathered all the villagers in the middle of the village. They have hold of one women who looked like she had thrown herself at them in anger. 

"You have no choice in this mater. Sinistral and Gorlodion are joined together now. Lucas and Actros will rule over you very soon. This is just the beginning," one of them hissed. 

"What are we going to do?" Zack asks turning to me. 

"I really don't know," I said puzzled. Six against two. Its not good odds. We have the surprise attack and the villagers may help us but I don't see what we can really do.

"Cayden?" Zack asked.

I look at him and sigh, "We have to help them. We got to. Listen up Zack. Go and distract them, when you do I'll help the villagers get away," I say to him.

"Why am I the distraction?" he asks

"You can get more away with being a Scar but everyone seems to believe I can never be one. Go on," I said pushing him forward.

"You owe me," he glared at me before he rushed towards them at sprint. "Oi hey guys what the heck are you lot doing? Did you not listen to what Lucas and Actros said. Get them secure quickly. What is this? You can't even seem to control them," said Zack loudly.

I took my chance I walked quickly around them not noticing all paying attention to Zack. "Guys quick its a distraction go now, that way!" I said pointing towards the other exit of the village. None of them needing telling twice. I watch as they all leg it away.

I pull one of the swords from the Scar's belts just before the Scar next to him noticed what I had done.

"It was a distraction!" he said pulling his sword out his belt charging at me. I stop him cutting me, blocking his attack and disarming him. I chuck the sword to Zack as the rest spring into action.

Zack and I covered each others back the best we could until we knew all the villagers would be further enough away. That's when we managed to dis-arm three more and knock the last one out.

We did our best to get them all backed into a corner. "Who do you think you are?" they questioned.

"I'm Zack."

"And I'm Cayden and we are going to do whatever we can to stop this place being ruined. Let Actros and Lucas know that this isn't going to be easy this time!" I snap before we locked them in someones house leaving the swords on the ground further another away apart from two Scars who had swords in there belts who didn't even have a chance to pull out. They are all now tied up in ropes.

As we thought about leaving that's when we spot the house opposite the door opening and revealing Olly. Zack and I looked at each other in surprise.

"What you guys doing here?" Olly asked puzzled.

"We came across this village and found the Scars taken over," said Zack.

"Scars?" Olly asked confused.

"Didn't you see them?" I ask him.

"No, I went for a piss while my two friends went to see what the fuss was about? Where are they anyway?"

"Well we sort of sent them off when the Scars where still in control. We locked them up in this house here," says Zack.

" what you going to do now?"

"Well we need to find somewhere to hang low," I say.

"While we think of a plan," Zack adds.

"I'm pretty sure that Actros and Lucas will know we managed to get through the door," I say to Zack which he nods to agree.

"You never explained who they are," said Olly.

"It is a long story and we shouldn't stay out in the open for too much longer," I tell him.

"Why don't we go inside my house and you can tell me. If we close the curtains, lock the door its a pretty good place to hang out at least while you come up with a plan and then you can tell me this long story," says Olly.

Zack and I look at each other and smile to agree. "Alright then lets get inside."

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