Chapter Ten

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We needed a plan and all eyes were on me. So I did exactly what I had to do. I made the plan. Nothing great about it to be honest. There was only one thing we could do when it came down to ambushing the group of Scars we are certain are after us. It's to surprise them, attack when they least expect it. We have to find them first. I don't think it would be too hard. We haven't traveled to far into Gorlodion yet, we won't either at least until we know we got the group of Scar's after us off our tail.

There are three of us. One will distract them first, and then we will attack. We all have swords lets hope we are good enough at using them. Zack and I have past encounters using the swords, we don't know about Olly but we feel we can trust him. The first person we feel we can trust in a long time. Maybe we are fooling ourselves in hope he will stick by us but we can't let what Actros did to us think everyone is against us. As much as Zack and I have each other and are the only ones that know someway of stopping them, we can't expect to do it all on our own. We need to find help somehow and Olly is a good start.

"Do you think this will work?" Zack asks me coming up behind me as I found myself walking in front of Olly and Zack.

"I don't know to be honest,  Zack but we have to try. We have no choice," I tell him firmly.

"Yeah I know. What happened?" Zack suddenly asked.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"You use to be the wimp and I use to be this angry tough guy," said Zack smirking.

"I don't know," I said shoving him, "But I was never a wimp," I smirk back.

"Oh yes you were. Come on look at the times I had to save your ass," he winks.

"I saved your ass too," I shove him again a little more evilly.

"Maybe that is so but still," he said looking more worried.

"What happened to us. Everything we have been through.  It's a surprise we are still carrying on, walking and talking like normal. Most people would of given up by now, stopped and looked that they would be on the losing side but we haven't. We are still here strong and that is because we have each other. All we have been through we still ended up by each others side. Through the good and the bad. After Lucas trying to turn you into a scar. After being back in that tower. Those few days of silence. We didn't say a word. We were both destroyed but we'll be alright. We are now. So maybe your not as angry but isn't that a good thing? Yeah maybe your a bit weaker not so tough and strong but I wouldn't want you to go back to that, Zack. Maybe I've made you weak in that aspect but truly your still  Zack, and I'm still  Cayden. I know you normally take the lead. I know normally I step back a bit but I can't just keep hanging back anymore. This is my fault. Lucas is my uncle. He is my problem," I tell him.

"I know, Cayden but it don't mean I'm not here or I'm not going to help you. In this together till the very end. And I'm not a wimp or weak," he smirked right at me, "Maybe I don't seem it but I'm still strong. I have these remember," smiles Zack as he flexed his biceps.

I smile, a huge one. He always said that, at some point. It's why I can't help but smile. He seems to never stop reminding me of that.  "I know you are Zack. You always have been. Don't let Lucas make you feel any different. We can do this. I'm not going to let him get to me anymore. He has done that one too many times. I've had enough of being such a stupid weakling around him. He doesn't deserve us begging or being scared anymore," I say annoyed.

"We won't let him get to us," smiles Zack patting me on the shoulder and I nod to agree.

"Guys sorry to break this up but look," said Olly pointing up ahead. We both looked in the direction he is pointing to find a group of Scars approaching up ahead.

We all duck behind some bushes. "Alright guys this is it. I'll go. I'm pretty sure they will know who I am," I say before either of them could speak.

"Are you sure?" Zack asks looking at me with concern.

"Yes I'm sure. Have faith in me a bit, Zack."

"Alright sorry," he said softly but that just makes me laugh.

"Oh I don't know what I would do with out you," I said to him. I really don't know what I would do if Zack wasn't here. Whether or not I had taken the lead. Whether or not I'm stronger then I use to be. I would still be nowhere with out Zack. He is smart. He has always been there when I needed someone here in Sinistral and whether Lucas had planned it all along me and Zack meeting. Zack had got me out from that Tower. He had become the friend I needed here.

He didn't want me risking my life even now. I nod to him before I get out from the bush and head towards them. They all stop when I reach them. They all look from each other in turn.

Only one of them pulled there sword out, "That's him, Cayden!" he barked. That's when the rest went to pull there swords. I charge at the one who knows me and with one swift cut with the sword I just pulled from my belt I cut his hand straight off. Blood started to piss from it and that's when I'm on the next three Scars who had just got there swords out knocking them down.

I watch as Olly and Zack spring out from nowhere and are on the Scars fighting now by my side. I'm not sure how long we fought. All I knew was I didn't have a chance to try stop them coming at me. We had forgot something important. Rope.

As I turn to take down the Scar from behind me he disarmed me my sword falling to the ground. Shit! He grabbed onto my hair and chucked me against the ground and pinned me there with his sword against my throat.

"Boss will be pleased," he gritted his teeth. That's when  I see the Scar that knew me, the one I had cut his hand off approached looking angry.

"Your lucky, Cayden he wants you unharmed," he says angrily. I see he has a long role of rope. He smiles pleasantly at me but I didn't fall for it.

I took my chance and used my feet to knock the one pinning me down over. I scramble to my feet as the one with the rope dropped it on the ground and charged at me with such force he gets me to the floor and grabs onto my head in anger and smash's it down on the ground gritting his teeth in pure rage. Just as I thought he was about to cut me with the sword not caring what Lucas wants now, Zack came out of nowhere and pulled him off me and pushed him to the ground tying him up ignoring the fact that the scar is still bleeding from his now none existent hand.

I get to my feet as Zack hands over my sword. "Come on lets round them up. Had enough," he smirked before we continued the battle attacking and tying them up as we went along until we finally tied up the last one.

"Good job Zack," I said patting him on the back.

"You too Cayden," he says back.

"And Olly thanks so much for...," I stop talking now only coming to realize that Olly is nowhere to be seen. "Zack where is Olly?" I ask him worried.

"I have no idea. He was here. Not too long ago. I haven't seen him since I came to help you," he said confused.

"Zack what do you think has happened?" I ask concerned.

"I'm not sure but we have to look for him and fast."

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