Chapter Sixteen

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When ever I sleep I see dark, strange and bizzare things that I can only explain to you to be one thing. Nightmares!

That is what they are and I can not explain them to be anything other then that and its not the first time I have woke from a Nightmare.

I jolt awake shouting Zack's name in panic.

I hear Zack stir in his sleep before I hear him speak, "Cayden did you say my name?" he asks.

"Yeah...nightmare," I tell him slowly.



I hear Zack moving off his bed and he climbs up next to me on the top bunk looking at me. "It's going to be okay, Cayden. You have had them before. You know they are not real," he tries to reassure me.

"I know but they always happen and I can not help but worry," I whisper.

"You can not let them get to you," he tells me.

"Your right."

"Cayden I have been thinking about a couple things," he begins.

"You thinking?" I joke.

"Very funny but I am being serious. One thing is we need to start getting some information. What security they have here, where all the exits are. We need to get to know inmates who will know this type of information if we have any chance of ever getting out of here," says Zack.

"I agree and what is the second one?" I asked puzzled.

"The spiders we killed...we killed them how is that possible? No one dies but they did."

"I had been thinking that too. How is that possible."

"Or less because Lucas made them they aren't actually real, meant to be here or exist," says Zack.

"Maybe its a thought to think about. About meeting inmates how are we even to do that? I mean how long have we been here now and no sign of us getting to meet anyone," I tell him.

"It will only be a matter of time until we do. I am sure they make inmates get together at least once a week. You ever seen those films about prisons," said Zack.

"Yeah I have. I guess we just wait then."

I never cared much and since I have been here in Sinistral I have not had to worry about being bored. With having a mission, being attached, on the run and the rest of the stuff I have had to worry about the last thing I had to be worried about was being bored.

But now?

Yeah I am bored.

I do not know how long it has been since we have been in here, its felt like days even a week but yet I have this strange feeling that it hasn't been that long at all, its just felt like that.

"Cayden I am beginning to think that we are waiting for something that is never going to happen," said Zack slightly put out and concerned.

"You must come with us," said one of the two Scars outside our cell wearing the same usual black clothing but are two different Scars again.

I never knew why they wear the same clothes considering you could spot from a mile away if they are a Scar or not from there Scar down there face. These two are old looking men and both of there Scar's seemed faded more then ones I have seen in the past.

We get taken down to the first floor this time to this open clearing in the middle of the prison on the ground floor where many more inmates are currently at.

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