Chapter Twenty Three

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I woke to the cell door being open. "Wake up!"

I open my eyes and find the Scar at the cell door waiting for us. "Where we going?"

He did not answer us, he continued to wait. I climb out the bed slowly until Zack helps me to stand up properly and we head over to him.

"What is up with you!" he snaps.

"Piss off!" I shout right back at him.

He glares at me but he ignores me and lets us pass him before he shuts the cell door before he heads us towards the stairs. We make it to the stairs and Zack helps me down them the best he can, but it didn't stop my whole body hurting, everything inch.

Finally we arrive outside the gate with all the inmates in the part of the prison where the inmates get to socialize. It had not come around quick enough.

With Zack's help he helps me into the area and we find the nearest bench to sit down. "You wait here. I will find Amelia," he says to me.

"And Jordon," I add.

He nods before he pats me on the shoulder softly, trying to not hurt me too much before he set off to look for them.

I sigh. I feel dreadful. The sooner we get out of here the better. I am not sure how much more I can take of this. I have been through so much already. I can't keep going through this. Its draining, painful and its messing with my mind. Its making me really lose it.

I spot Zack, Amelia and Jordon heading back towards me and I can tell I must look really rough, both of them are looking at me as if I am already a goner. But I am not! I am strong. A lot stronger then I ever use to be, I have been through a lot. I can get through this. I just have to keep strong.

They all come and sit down around the bench. Zack beside me and Amelia and Jordon on the other side.

"You alright?" Amelia asks.

"I am fine but we must figure out how we are going to get out of here and fast. With you and Zack here coming in on me and that Scar, the warden knows you know me now. You are in trouble too. I want to get out as soon as possible," I tell her.

"I agree. Its not going to be easy. They are always watching us. The Scars, the warden. He knows everything that is going on. It's frustrating. Need to find a solution to that. We then need to figure out a good plan to get out. We may just have to trick them," Amelia whispers.

"How will we do that?" asks Jordon.

"I may have an idea," says Amelia. "There is only one way in and one way out. At least half a dozen scars protect it, however once every two days a meeting is held in the Warden's office. That is when we have to make our move. It be the best time to attempt an escape," says Amelia.

"He is watching us all the time. He is probably watching us right now. How are we going to escape our cells, then some how get through the only way in and out without being caught or stopped? Is there anyway else to escape apart from through the front door?"

"No, I don't believe so but I haven't properly explored the whole prison. I doubt I have missed much. You are right though. There is no easy way out. Each idea will have its risks but it depends how much you wish to get out of here on which one we choice," says Amelia.

"I have been through way worse then this. Zack and I escaped that stupid tower more then once and the second time they had not planned for. We can't die. So your right what is the risk in giving it ago. We manage it great, if not we will be back where we started. Its best to try instead of sitting around for an eternity," I say softly.

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