Chapter Thirteen

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We found our way out the park back onto a narrow road and walked down it quickly wondering how everyone else was doing and where all the Scars had got to. Zack kept looking at me now and again but  I tried to ignore it.

I looked at the stone buildings we went by wondering if splitting up had actually been a good idea. Two young lads came out from one of the pavements to our left crashing into us.

"They found us," one whispered.

We look at them before Zack and I look at each other. "How close?" Zack asks.

"We don't know we just ran for it," the older one says.

"Found you!" We hear some one shout from behind us. I turn on my heels and raise my sword blocking an attack.

"Your quick but lets see how quick you are when you are defenseless in prison," smirked the scar eying me up creepily.

"What?" asked Zack confused. I look at him just as confused.

What did he mean by that? What prison?

"They are just playing mind games!" Zack says sharply.

Maybe but I'm not so sure. The way he had said it actually reminded me when Lucas had threatened us with the tunnel. It made me believe his threat is really true.

"You heard me," he says glaring at us.

"You are just saying that," said one of the boys looking worried but trying to act brave.

"You go against us, you let these two rebellious gits make you believe you can get away. You made a bad mistake doing that," the scar grits his teeth.

Two more spiders are approaching us from the park where we just came. The buildings are so close down this narrow road. We did not need to even convince one another to run, we all ran in sink straight towards the only way that may lead us to safety.

The two lads go first Zack behind them and me bringing up the rear. I held the sword in my hand as we ran wondering if I would have to use it, I would prefer Zack too.

Smack! I collide with the pavement as something tightened around my ankle making my body slip to the ground. My head pounds and I try to crawl away but with no success. I turn to notice some sort of root attached to my ankle, until I came to realize it is one of the spiders legs pulling me towards it.

"Zack!" I shout in panic being dragged back as they run further away from me. I can not lose Zack. He can not leave me!

I slash the sword at the leg making the spider screech and it let go but only for the two scars to yank the sword from my grip and the other grabbing hold of my shirt really tightly.

"Get off me!" I shout at him as I begin to struggle from his grip my fist colliding into his face two times before the other scar grabbed hold of my hands pulling them behind my back making me defenseless.

I hear the two lads scream from up ahead and Zack shouting my name but it already sounded so far away. I can not get myself out from there grip and one punched me in the gut to knock the wind out of me to stop me struggle as much.

Suddenly they let go but just for the spider to pick me up with one of its legs, they are long. More long then a normal spiders legs but considering they are like giants to us, that did not surprise me.

I knew it to be no good. I had tried but failed. I would not be able to escape the spiders grip. They have me. But now what? They can not kill me? They do not know who I really am either? This prison is that where they would take me?

After all we had just been through but yet I failed to get away anyway, I can not help but feel slightly put out. This had not been the plan and even as the spiders grip me causing me to not be able to take breathes of air properly I can not help but wonder about Olly or how Zack is getting on. I didn't find out though as I felt myself drift into the darkness of dreams that made what I had just left seem like heaven.

What woke me from the darkness, from the dreams was Zack's small whispers. At first they seemed far away but as I felt myself wake I knew him to be right next to me.

"Zack," I whisper as I open my eyes to find Zack kneeling down in front of me.

"Your okay, I began to worry."

"Why we can not die," I tell him trying to reassure him I would of be fine anyway.

I finally look around to figure out where we are. I saw the bunk beds, the bars in the window and the bars and a bared gate locking us in this tight confined space.

I look at Zack with worried eyes, "Zack," I begin.

"That guy was right. We are in a prison. I do not know where we are I got knocked out but they caught us. We tried to help those people but all we did was make things worst. They destroyed that city all because of us," says Zack softly.

"We can't do anything right. No matter what we do, we fail. We keep making things worse. It is all my fault," I sigh.

"No it isn't Cayden do not keep thinking that."

"I feel sick. What we doing to do?" I ask Zack.

He shakes his head, "No idea. All I do know is we are about to find out," says Zack as two guards approach our cell door.

I guess he is right. We are about to find out.

Sinistral: New WorldTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang