Chapter Thirty One

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I look up at the rocky mountains in front of me. A weird type of wind seems to be coming from them and a sign hanging roughly off a rock says in capital letters, "PRISON OF THE FORGOTTEN."

I take a step toward the path leading up to the high point of the mountain just as something latches around my ankle making me go head first into the dirt my nose irrupting with pain and fresh hot liquid that could only be my blood.

I hear the echo of laughter nearby and a moment later Actros and Lucas appear just beside me and I had no idea where they had actually came from but maybe I had just not been paying much attention.

"Finally the lost Nephew returns," cackles Actros.

"You find everything funny don't you!" I snap at him.

Actros looks at me angrily but Lucas shoves him back and offers his hand out to me. I take his hand reluctantly him helping me to my feet but there is now a chain attached to my left ankle leading up into Lucas's belt.

"I don't wish to lose you again," says Lucas in a whisper.

"Smart," I whisper back.

"It feels like its been too long since we saw each other face to face. You have been having quite a bit of fun haven't you?"

"Wouldn't call it fun," I say back softly.

"No I guess to you it never has been. I bet you been wondering why we brought you here or why we were here in the first place. I want you to understand that I am in charge. That is not going to change anytime soon. I also want you to know that you are my family. You are my nephew and whether you believe it or not I do care about you deep down inside. Its not like whatever I have done to you or made you go through that you could die anyway," he laughs.

"I'm listening."

"You are my one true weakness Cayden. I care about you. I always have until my sister gave you away and that is when my thoughts got darker and darker. You wouldn't understand but if you had been in my life if they had kept you...maybe I wouldn't be like I am now."

"So what? You think if you keep me around you be nicer?"

"No I do not want to be nicer. I will rule these two worlds in anger and torture. That is who I am. No going back from that but I did care about you and I still care about you now and I want you to share this all with me. Why won't you join me Cayden? I need you," he whispers.

I half laugh, "Need me? You sound insane you do realize that right? Family isn't just about blood, its about being there for that person. You have never been there for me, not once. You could of came and found me, you could of took me instead of letting your sister shove me off to a foster family. You never tried hard enough, neither did your dad! Its the truth. Why should I even bother considering being on your side!" I spit.

"Oh Cayden I am sorry. I bet you feel betrayed by your real parents me and yes my father. We all could of done better, maybe you are right...Hold on how do you know that? You didn't know your real parents and...

"I met him. I met your dad, my so called granddad. He seems like a nice guy but he is least I knew my foster parents were never that. They would be proud of me I know that. I am doing the right thing by going against you. I am doing the right thing. Maybe joining you is good for me but not for anyone else. I choice to be the hero," I whisper.

"Don't be like that, nephew. Think about it okay? We give you a few days to think about it," he smiles to me as he kisses me right on the forward and gives me a cuddle. I shove him away in disgust which he completely ignores but Actros looks pissed.

I let Actros and Lucas lead me up the mountain in silence. We head through a hole in one of the rocks and through some tight cave with little light but I can see cells that have been put into parts of cave. We reach the far end and they open up one of the cells.

Lucas takes my hand, "I am sorry Cayden for everything. I want you to be my most loyal right hand man just like Actros. Think over my offer, I want you to be my loyal nephew always. I will see you in a few days," he smiles as he kisses me on the forehead again. Actros takes the chain off my leg before Lucas pushes me inside enough to close the cell door on me.

I look right at Actros and Lucas. "Don't be like that. Is there anything else you needed to know?" Lucas asks eyebrows raised.

"Just one. What is the black hole?"

"Oh Cayden if I was you I would think long and hear me speak about the black hole when I see you again its over. You will no longer exist and we both don't want that do we?" Lucas half asks half smiles, "See you soon."

I watch as Lucas and Actros walk away and I wait till there gone before I sigh. What am I going to do? I am stuck in here now until they come back? I do not even need to think. I already no my answer. No way!

I am going to get them to take me to the black hole and instead of me ending up through it they will! Just somehow need to stay sane for the next few days. How hard can it really be?

"I would take his offer if I was you! He will always rule there is no point going up against him," says a voice echoing from behind me in the dark corner of the cell.

"Who is there?"

"I am Eric. I use to be in charge of Sinistral once upon a time."

"What? You use to rule here? Lucas he took over and what chucked you in here?"

"Well not here first but here I am now. Named this place Prison of the Forgotten...I have been long forgotten but still that is much better then what will happen to you if you say no. I could see the fear in his eyes but why your just a kid, just his nephew. I thought he would keep you in here if you said no but yet no if you say no you will no longer exist. He is scared that you will stop him. You have to agree with him kid! Its only way you will keep on existing."

"What is so great about that? You been in here for how long now? I could not live in here for an eternity. Its a risk I have to take for the good of Gorlodion and Sinistral," I tell him.

"Your one strange kid you do know that right?"

"Who says I am a kid?"

"I know Cayden. Lucas likes to keep me up to date with everything. Thinks I deserve at least to know how Sinistral is doing but more like does it to make me feel horrible inside for letting him take over and do it all. Just agree with him, be beside him its a great offer no one else will get."

"I rather risk the black hole!"

"Do you not understand," he begins.

"No I do understand Eric more then you can possibly know. I am not any kid. I can trick him I can make him do things. You ever think that is exactly where I want to go. I get Lucas and Actros to that Black hole...I can get rid of them for once and good. I have to try," I tell him.

"That is one hell of a risk and if you fail," he begins.

"So be it. Least I would of tried. I rather just not exist then be on his side. I'll go knowing I never gave up and I did all I could."

"You seem like one brave kid. I will give you credit if you will deserve to take over and make a brand new World."

"That is my plan. I just hope I can do it."

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