Chapter Two

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I slumped against the rock after Zack slowly placed me against it. Zack stood up looking down at me. I pulled my hand from my wound and looked down at it. You would think after all I have been through I'll be use to this but I assure you I'm not. This is fucking painful; the pain has eased now though. The blood has stopped; my skin seems to already be healing.

"Too easy," spoke Zack before I had even had the chance to think it.

I look up at him and shrug, "I doubt this would be another one of their skims. I could be wrong but I don't think they allow us to escape again not willingly. I think they are too busy to even think about if we would try to escape. We were pretty broken no more then an hour ago. I'm surprised we even managed to find the will power to get out," I state.

"Who me, sure your not day dreaming?" Zack remarked with a smirk.

"Whatever gets you by, what now?" I ask wondering a question which probably we are both thinking.

"What can we do? Maybe escaping has even been foolish. They own this place same with Gorlodion now. How far can we run?" Zack asks.

I have had a lot of time to think when Zack had pretty much hardly talked a word. My thoughts had been stupid, foolish at times but I had came to the conclusion if we ever found it in ourselves to escape I would fight. This is my fault. Lucas is my family, I feel like I have to be the one to stop that bastard. The after life is turning into total chaos. No one deserves to die and end up in this shit hole, no one well apart from the evil deadly ones.

"Cayden did you hear what I just said?" Zack asked now kneeling down in front of me.

I get up and walk away from him a second before turning back, "I had time to think. We can't hide or run forever. I don't know what we can do but we can't let this continue. Gorlodion is our best option for now. Let's get out of here, I need a new scene. We can decide what after that. We are the only ones that can stop this, Zack. We started this. I did. We must finish it," I tell him before stumbling onto my knees.

"How do we do that?" Zack asks.

"I don't know but are you with me?" I ask.

"Always," he nods smiling at me.

I made Zack help get me to my feet, I sighed thinking of what may lay ahead but right now we just didn't care. I wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible and worry about everything after. We feel maybe just a tad safer in a different place. We had been here so long, Zack way longer we could do with a change of place. I know it's what I want.

We head towards the huge gates that I had came through before. I remember seeing the tower the first time. The horror and surprise that struck me. How confused I had been. How death had consumed me. I hate thinking about it. We finally walk through the gates and up the long path extended upwards. I breathe in and look at Zack helping me along still.

"I met Actros up here. Near the edge. If only I knew," I begin.

"How was you suppose to know? You are not to blame yourself."

We finally got to the edge. A red door stood near the edge of the darkness. I look at Zack and shrug.

"This must be it right?" he asks.

"I don't know," I answered frowning myself, "its the only door around it has to be it.

I remember back to when I first arrived in Sinistral was the same door here then?

Zack helped me along the path towards the eerie and unknown darkness my hand was still clutching my wound in my stomach trying to stop the bleeding that had started back up when I had got to my feet, it wasn't really helping blood soaked through my fingers and down my trousers.

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