Chapter Four

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We can't decide on a door. Can you blame us? Any door could just be another thing we would hate. We can't carry on or less we pick one though. I think we all know that but actually deciding is the difficult part right now.

Finally Zack broke the silence, "This one lets just pick this bloody one," said Zack annoyed and pulled it open.

"No," said Olly but it had been a bit too late for shouting that now. Zack had already entered, its pitch black again.

"Go on," I said to Olly allowing him to go in first. He stepped into the room and I followed slowly behind. Bang!

I turn around to find the door had blamed behind me. I try open it but no such luck. We are locked in. What now?

Suddenly the room seemed to spring into life. Loud music I didn't quite recognize. I hadn't heard it in so long. Flashing lights seemed to fill the room, then people girls, boys and many people clearly not quite with it, they had to be drunk but how can this all be possible? Nothing was here a second ago.

Some young looking girl came up to Zack and started to dance around him in a sexual way and it didn't take her long to convince him to join her in the middle of the room.

Olly seemed to head over to talk to a tall, skinny boy with bright blue eyes and blond hair. I watch as the scene plays out in front of me. This has to be a trick, another room playing with us but in which way?

I look for the door out but I can't see nothing. Shit! This can't be happening. I rush through the people to the other side of the room to find a bar. It seems to real, all of it. That's when a girl couple years older them me spots me and smiles sweetly at me.

"Evening, now aren't you hot," she said teasing me by stroking my chest in a weird sexual way. I back away, "Well I haven't really thought about it," I lied.

I sometimes hoped I had been half sexy but like it mattered no more. I'm dead. This is like hell. I thought I never experience sex, when I died I had still be quite young. It hadn't mattered then. Maybe I'll have my chance to experience it here and now but I can't help but feel quiet strange and put out.  This just doesn't feel right. None of this is right at all. We can't stay here and get pleasure, we have two men destroying everything as we waste time here.

As much as I'm still put out about what I have done and I still blame myself for all of this, I know Zack and I are the only ones who may have a chance of stopping them. Its my responsibility to stop him, Lucas my stupid uncle.

The loud music is still going on, I try ignore it but I feel my head starting to feel really fuzzy. None of this is right. I ignore the girl who had tried to chat me up, I push her away and start to search through the crowd for Zack. "Zack!" I scream his name but no answer.  I can't seem him anywhere.

Shit! This isn't good.  What the hell is going on!

I spot him, Zack. He has just headed through a door with a women twice his age. I run through the crowd, I reach the door and follow them in hope I could snap sense into Zack. As I enter the door blamed behind me once more.

I'm now in silent room, no music and no one in sight apart from Zack and the woman up ahead leading Zack further and further away from me.

"Zack!" I scream his name.

He turns around to see me and seems to be in some sort of trance. "Cayden leave me alone. I'm going to get laid can't you see that?" he asked weirdly.

"We are dead. Who gives a shit about that anymore Zack? Its me and you now remember? We are in this together thick and thin. Forget her, this can't even be real it must be a trick. Please Zack come on," I beg him.

I've experienced this too many times before, the feeling I'm going to lose him. This happens too often, like this place, like everyone knows its my worst fear above all else.

I saw it, the change in his eyes. The sudden realization. It came out of no where. That's when I'm tackled to the ground by something, when I feel something contact flesh on my leg, I knew that moment of Zack coming to his senses would be gone. Blood starts to piece out my leg and I watch as the viscous dog that had attacked runs off leaving me on the cold stone floor.

I watch as Zack and the girl disappear through another door and my heart sinks. My heart seems to give up, fear grips me. After everything that we have been through. This may just be it. I've given up before, recently too. I thought breaking out of the tower we may have a chance of fixing this but of course Lucas and Actros had a back up encase we tried to escape. Of course they some fucking how knew we travel over to Gorlodion. I really can't believe this.

I feel cold, lost and emptiness. Suddenly the door rams open behind to reveal Olly. His smiled seemed to make my heart lift in some way.

"Shit man what happened to you?" he asked as he offered his hand to me. I took it and struggled to my feet.

I sigh my stomach had eased of most of the pain now but now I have pain in my leg instead. I always seem to be constantly getting hurt. "Forget it, I'm sure it will heal. We do here, well I hope we do as this is some sort of screwed up illusion I'm sure of that. Actros has powers, he is unique but he happens to be on the bad side. I just wish I had known that from the very start. There is so much you don't know. How did you get away?" I ask him.

"I don't know. He attracted me, he is beautiful after all but then suddenly I came to my senses. I knew it to be a trick. I mean I don't even like guys...," he trailed off.

"If you do dude I'm not going to judge. Zack he nearly came out of it but this stupid dog attacked me and let him slip back. Zack's not so strong when it comes to woman. He said he had always been a ladies man from the start of high school. Somethings won't change even if you die. Up ahead through the door we may find him. It's our only chance but I won't leave him," I said to Olly.

"You two seem like you been through a hell of a lot?" he asks.

"You don't know the fucking half of it. We are all we got now. I won't lose him. I can't lose him."

"Well lets go find him then," Olly grins.

"Thanks, for your help." I whisper.

"Don't mention it. Its good to have company for a change," he smiles.

"Yeah, its nice to see a new face that isn't out to destroy what little I have left," I smile back.

Lets just hope we find Zack because I'm not sure what I would do if I lose him forever, I really don't know.

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