Chapter Twenty Six

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I am not sure what happened. I'm not sure how it consumed me so quick. How it all rushed back to me, making it hurt every inch of my body. How somehow the warden is still inside my head. How Lucas and Actros are still in my head after all this time.

"Is he going to be okay?" I hear Olly's voice but it sounded like so far away. I can barley make it out. Like I am not close to them at all but I know they are.

"What happened?" asks Amelia.

"Cayden can you hear me? Come back to me okay! You have too! Don't let it hurt you," he whispers now but I know he is close. I can feel him against my arm.

"Zack," I whisper his name but its forced away quickly replaced with an image of Lucas looking down at me and laughing.

I can not let him in! I need to try take control. I am not weak. I will not let myself be weak anymore but yet right now I am weak again. I felt so on top of the world and now...not so much.

"Its going to be okay, Cayden. Just open your eyes and everything will be okay again."

I listen to Zack's words before I breathe in deeply and do all I can to open my eyes. At first nothing happened, only darkness continues to fill my head until I felt my eyes open slowly and suddenly I find myself on the out skirt of the desert.

"What happened?" I finally ask finding Amelia, Olly and Zack all kneeing down beside me.

"We are not sure," says Olly.

"I think it hit you hard. All you have been through, its taken its real toll now. But you are strong Cayden so I know you can fight this," says Zack as he helps me gently to my feet.

"The bridge?" I ask turning to see it in the distance behind us.

"Already by that. Just the desert and all after that is new to us. You going to be okay?" Zack asks me.

I nod to him, "I think so."

"Alright then we need to keep moving. I have a bad feeling that Lucas and Actros may already know something is terribly wrong," says Amelia.

"How do you know that?" Zack asks.

Amelia looks at him and sighs, "I have not always been trustworthy to you and I am sorry about that because down in that tunnel you ...I came to know how much you care for me. I have come to care for you too. Zack I get these feelings and I can't quite ever grasp them that well but I see things sometimes. I feel like they know. They are catching on to us. We need to be quick," she tells us.

"Well we best keep moving," I say as I walk by Amelia into the desert leaving Amelia and Zack to walk slowly behind me to talk because I know that is what they need right now. Alone time.

Olly joins beside me, "What do you think will happen between them?"

"I do not know. All I know is they care about each other. Its up to them what that really means though."

Olly nods, " are going to be okay?" he asks again.

"I am perfectly fine or I will be. Zack is right sometimes this takes its toll. All that has happened since I came here, since I died. I can not even tell you the worst parts because some match up quite badly in what its done to me. I just hope one day things will change. We can at least try make that happen."

I walk through the desert in silence and luckily enough no sand storms this time. We make the middle of the desert and Amelia points us over to the left. We carry on through the desert until we find our way out coming up ahead.

I smile before I let Olly go slightly in front of me as I turn to look at Amelia and Zack and I catch a glimpse of the kiss they are having.

I continue down onto the path which is very thin and just as hot as ever until we reach a small village ahead of us. "Considering everything it looks peaceful enough," spoke Zack from behind me.

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