Chapter Six

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I take hold of the steering wheel and look down at the pedals below me. Shit! What do I do? My leg is still hurting too. Damn this stupid test. Why do we keep choosing the wrong door? Is it any door? Are we stuck here forever?

I push down on one pedal which makes the car jolt forward making me go far forward nearly hitting my head on the steering wheel. I quickly put the belt on before I try it again. This time I managed to get it to move but very slowly.

I just left the starting area and that's when something came towards the car, a person? No a bat, a huge one. I turn the steering wheel and nearly crash into water containers and I turn the wheel again to avoid them.

This is crazy, I don't even know what I am doing! I try to carry on down the track as the woman had called it or who happened to look like Zack mums, but clearly it isn't and how could it be his mum anyway? It had all been done to affect Zack. To make him go the way he has gone. To make someone else who can't do this task so we would fail.

I'm doing alright...that's when I crash straight into bins making me lose control of the car and Wack! I'm off the track, crashed into a wired fence. The car starts to steam, smoke is coming from the front of the car.

What do I do now? With out this car we fail but it looks like its about to explode.

Suddenly my door is yanked open quickly and I'm being pulled from the car, but from who? I don't know I can barely think, barely take in what is going on around me.

As I'm being pulled away from the car I see flames irrupting from the car and that's when it exploded. It made the person who had gripped there hand on my arm and me fly backwards onto the rough ground.

I start to cough, smoke filling the air taking away oxygen if that's what its called here, I really don't know.

As the smoke seems to disappear I look to who had saved my life, per say. I don't actually know what would of happened if I had stayed in the car. It's Zack.

"You would of made a terrible driver! Don't ever do that to me again! That's how I died. If something terrible happened. I would of blamed myself. I would of never forgiven myself or you," he said as he pulled me into a hug while we are still on the ground.

We helped each other off the ground. "Sorry," I whispered, "But someone had to try."

"I know and I'm sorry I should of gone in the first place. Maybe I died from a car accident. Maybe this brings up terrible memories. But you had to deal with all that, you have done that so why do I get to act like a dick and you couldn't? I had been acting the fool. I died because I had been careless apart from that I'm a really good driver. I should of never let you put one foot in that car," he said softly.

"One more try for old time sake's then?" Olly pronounced from behind us.

We look around everything that had happened is gone and the car is back brand new waiting for someone to take up the wheel.

"Well I guess we get one last chance," smiled Zack before he tapped me on the shoulder to reassure me before he goes over to the car and climbs in. He buckles up before the engine starts and he zooms off down the track.

He missed everything chucked at him. He is an amazing driver, I give him that. We spot him at a far distance and the wall up ahead. He is going really fast, so with any luck he'll have enough speed to slam right through the wall or at least do what the task had asked.

Bang! The wall breaks on impact. Darkness consumes us and a moment later we find ourselves once again back in the corridor. We all sigh in relief.

"Olly you choice a door," Zack and I say at the same time which makes us both smile at each other.

"That blue door over there!" Olly points too.

"Was that there before?" Zack asks confused.

"I don't think I remember seeing it," I say as confused as him.

"Let's give it a shot then," Zack said. We all agree and head towards the door.

I take up the handle and pull it open. What is revealed is something beautiful. Tree's, grass, the smell of fresh mud where it has recently rained. The sun pouring down upon it all and up ahead a beautiful water fountain and flowers.

As much as I had never enjoyed nature that much, to see it after so long. It feels amazing. It feels real and pleasant.

Olly rushed through first us close behind. The door shuts behind us and just stays there. I look around and notice everything behind the door is blackness. Zack tested it out and realized you couldn't go beyond the door.

"If this door wasn't here. Its some sort of barrier, Actros's trick but if it wasn't here. Sinistral and Gorlodion would be joined together you could go from one to other as easy as pie but this door. Is stopping that. It's meant to keep you from going to the other side," I say

"It couldn't stop both," said Zack.

"Both?" asked Olly.

"He means you came back to Gorlodion. You never made it across to Sinistral but we made it here. We are together ended up together, that's how we managed to get here or we would of been led straight back into Sinistral," I explain.

"I bet if we did end back up there the Scar's would of been waiting," said Zack.

"Yeah for certain. I'm sure Actros and Lucas wanted us to escape and suffer more in there but he didn't expect us to end up with someone who had traveled from Gorlodion. They won't know we are here. We should move find somewhere safe, think of a plan," I say to Zack.

"I agree. If you wish you can come with us," Zack said to Olly.

"I'm going to go home. I'm glad you got through. I don't regret going through the door. I helped you, I'm really glad I did but I've seen enough for a life time," he whispered .

"It's not over. There here and they plan to take over. Be careful Olly. We hope you stay safe," I tell him.

"Thanks you too," he said before he runs off.

"Where do we go? We have no map. We have no help. This is all on us," said Zack.

"Don't rank us off, Zack. We may be the only hope now. Forget the past, its what I'm going to do now. Can't let that affect us. I've had enough of being used, walked over and lied. Let's just head straight, sure we will find something," I smile to him.

"When did you become so strong?" he asked as we start to walk through the grass and tree's.

"I don't know."

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