Chapter Thirty Two

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I sat in silence in that cell for a long time without speaking to Eric and I just kept going over the plan inside my head. Each time it being slightly different. I kept going over and over in my head to make sure I make the plan perfect enough to work.

I have come to some conclusion on what my plan is now and I feel pretty happy with it. I just have to wait for Lucas and Actros to return. I do not know how long they are going to be and its a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach just waiting for them.

I fell a sleep for a while until I woke to gentle breeze coming into the cave into our cell. "That comes now and again," Eric says to me looking at me, "You get use still sticking with your crazy plan?"

"Of course I am. I'm not changing my mind on anything now. I am certain this is what I am meant to do. Its all in. I either win or fail and that's all it is now. I just wish it wasn't me doing it all alone. I am worried about my friend. Well my best friend, brother. I hope Zack is okay. I hope he has been able to find his real parents," I whisper.

"You may never see him again. He may never see you," he tells me.

"I know that. Its why I am sitting here worrying about him now. I want him to be happy, with his parents and Amelia I hope that would make him happy. Where are you Zack?"

Zack's POV

I tried to focus. I tried to keep him out my thoughts but I had failed miserable even as my real parents arms wrapped around me to embrace me," Oh Zack," they both whisper.

I look at them, "How do you know who I am?"

"You are our son," smiles my real mum, "I would spot you even if you were old plus we hoped you would come. For answers among other things. How you find us?"

"My best a real brother to me got this map. He has put himself in danger so I could meet you and save you. Yet why? Why should I even care?" I whisper bitterly. I had never understood why my parents never wanted me. I could never quite understand any of it and even more never finding a true home to belong in.

When I heard Cayden's story I wondered how he managed to have four parents arguing over him and me...none. I felt truly alone growing up until I met Jill at the age of seventeen. The women that had become my mum. Is my mum...this women how could I even consider really calling her that? Jill had came into my life just for one year before I died.

I had no one until her. No one really cared. Jill did but I still never quite felt at home living with her and by that time I didn't quite care myself and I drove that car that day not caring about Jill at all, my mum. I've never told anyone this, not even Cayden. I guess I never really had too maybe he got confused or didn't quite need to really know. I told him about Rick and that foster family but I never told him that ended when I turned sixteen or the fact that Rick nearly beat me to death. I came to know that his parents my foster parents didn't care about me and yet again chucked me aside. I guess I still have so much I've not told Cayden. I guess part of me will always feel jealous of Cayden but yet he has been through a lot and his family is just as complicated or more complicated then mine.

"You mother and I did not want to give you up. We love you so much. We both had cancer. We were very ill and you did not deserve to grow up with that. You would of lost us at the age of five. That was no life for you. We couldn't look after you we had to try look after ourselves. We always wanted you, it was never about not wanting you," he whispers.

I look between them and I feel my eyes well up with tears. They both had cancer. I would of lost them at the age of five anyway...they have always cared what they did was to help give me a better life.

"We are so sorry you never truly found a real home," says my mother taking my hand.

I look at her, "I never new," I whisper.

"We know and we do not blame you for hating us. All you knew was we let you down and we did even if it wasn't all our fault. We are so happy we have seen you all grown up. We are so proud," she smiles to me.

I wipe the tears away and Amelia takes my other hand, "This is Amelia. I love her," I tell them.

"Nice to meet you," they both smile to her.

"You too. What are we going to do?" Amelia asks me.

"Take my parents Amelia and get to Gorlodion or go back to the Scar Camp," I tell her.

"Where are you going?" all three ask me.

"I am going to go save my brother. I am going to go save my best friend. The one true friend I can not go on without. He is everything to me and I need you to understand," I tell them.

They look between each other for a little while before they all step back and nod, "We understand, Amelia finally whispers.

"Thank you."

"Where will he be?"

"I have an idea."

" think it be wise for us to go back to the Scar camp?"

"Maybe you are right. That George kid looked pretty jealous of you and me...just try be safe but don't follow me. I'll hopefully see you again soon."

Cayden's POV

I went in and out of sleep for some time not having much of a grasp when I was actually sleeping or actually being awake.

"Cayden," I hear someone whisper my name.

I open my eyes slowly and look up at the cell door to find him standing there. Somehow, someway he had found me. I look up and down him in shock. He is wet, hurt and his hair is a total mess but here he is, Zack. My best friend has come.

"Zack I can't believe it," I whisper as I get to my feet and face him only the cell door separating us from each other.

"Surprise! Now that letter was a bit harsh. I mean a letter and then you run off? Your lucky I found you but I am glad I have. It felt weird being apart from you. I care about Amelia and I think I can come to care about my real parents but will always be the one I could never stop caring about. We have been through so much and no one can break this bond," he smiles to me.

"Its really good to see you," I smile back.

"Yes it is nice to see you again Zack you can join in on Cayden's choice because its time to decide. What is it Cayden? Are you going to join me or are you going to say good bye to all of this and find out exactly what the Black Hole is?" he grins evilly from behind Zack, my uncle.

Zack turns and sighs, "Not so nice to see you," he whispers.

Actros grabs Zack by the hair and pins him to the wall of the cave while Lucas opens up the cell and pulls me out of it pining his face right near mine, "Your decision now. I have no time for this," he hisses.

"I have made my choice. I made it a long time ago I just needed a little push to ensure I knew I would do the right thing. Go Screw yourself! I will never join by your side. So go cry yourself to sleep or have sex with Actros if that makes you feel better and if you can even do that here. I'll take the Black Hole any day!"

Lucas roars in rage and smashes me against the wall so hard I hear the loud crack as I crumble to the floor of the cave. "Looks like we are taking a nice trip to the Black Hole Actros. Hope you done all you had to do Zackey because you are joining him!" Lucas barks.

"Time to get rid of you little shits for good," winks Actros.

Zack looks over at me. I look back and wink at him ignoring the pain I am in. Pain is nothing to me anymore. Pain can go screw itself too.

This is it.

It will all end here.

It will all end at that Black Hole but will we win?

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