Chapter Five

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Olly helped me through the door the best he could but the door seemed to small. Once through the door slammed behind us, we couldn't even stop it. Might as well get use to that happening from now on.

I fell, right on my ass. Olly had left my side, I couldn't see how or why I can't see a thing. The lights seem to flicker on this time to reveal being in some isolated dungeon. "Welcome Cayden to the dungeon of the lost. You have two choices to make. Save Zack or Save Olly. Watch one join your side while the other dies over and over again in front of your eyes. Decide quick we hate to wait, to find out their fate," cackled a voice so evilly I could also say it sounded like Lucas and Actros but not quite. 

"Is this some sort of trick? Why you playing with me!" I shout.

"Because you are more weak when it comes to this, its the truth we see it in your very eyes hidden deep within. Zack is strong, Olly has a good mind and you fear being alone. Your decisions are always wrong or messed you see. We know the truth, so Cayden decide before its too late. We must rush you as we're bored."

"You are sick! You are all sick! Screw your fucking game!" I shout as I manage to get to my feet and rush over to the other door and pull it open. Suddenly light flash's in my eyes, dizziness takes over and before I could do anything darkness consumes me.

"Cayden would never decide. He would fight and stay strong but never decide on such a thing. They really pushed him to the limit on that. Whether I'm his best friend or not. He just couldn't decide between me and you, Olly. Its not in his nature," I hear Zack's voice.

I open my eyes quickly to reveal Zack and Olly. We are back in the corridor, with plenty more doors to decide from. I wrap my arms around Zack before I allowed him to say anything.

"I thought I lost you again," I whisper softly.

"I'm sorry, Cayden. I couldn't control what I was doing. I saw what happened but I couldn't stopped myself. I tried too. But Cayden I'm never going to let anything split us apart we both promised we stick together. Till the end of everything we are together, we are family, you Cayden are too nice. You blame yourself for so much and try and do the best you can. What has happened isn't your fault but we will do all we can to try fix it, maybe Olly can join the fight," smiled Zack.

"Yeah that would be nice," I say as he helps me to my feet.

"Always you," he whispers as he looks at my leg.

"I know," I laugh. My stomach is almost completely healed now but now I got a leg problem again!

"How did we get out?" I ask suddenly dawning on me.

"When you decided on none of us it sorted confused it, and it led us out into this corridor again. I guess you beat the room, thank fuck," said Zack pleased.

"That's good at least then. Who wants to choice next?" I ask slowly.

"Not me," said Zack shaking his head.

"Alright I'll decide. That one," I say as I point to a door five doors along.

"Lets go then," said Olly leading the way this time. I managed to walk on my own this time with out any ones help. I'm sick of being the one always in some sort of danger or hurt in someway. Really does my nut in.

When we all entered the room, it didn't seem like a room. It's not even a room. We have walked into on going traffic with cars rushing by and waiting on the side of the road is a BMW, Red and brand spanking new.

I look over at Zack knowing exactly what this is about. "What do you think its trying to do?" Olly asked.

Zack shook his head in shock, something suddenly dawning on his. "No, can't keep doing this to us. Pushing us to the limit," he whispered.

"It is we can't stop it," I whisper.

"Cayden I can't take this. I died like this. I don't want to sit in a car, let alone drive one ever fucking again," he said his voice shaking.

"You died in a car accident?" Olly asked. I glare over at his, this isn't the time to be asking questions.

I step closer to Zack and put my hand on his shoulder, "You don't have too Zack. There is three of us. We don't even know what we are meant to do and what is to happen here yet," I tell him.

"Clearly they done it because of me. This is for me, they are teasing me and trying to get into my head," Zack said angrily.

"Zack please don't get angry its what the room wants," I say.

"The room want's? You are now sounding crazy," said Zack.

"It's true though. This is Actros's magic and we know its powerful its doing this."

"Hello son," whispered someone near by and suddenly a woman in her middle forties stepped out from behind the car.

"You can't be here," whispered Zack his voice so quiet I'm surprised I managed to hear it.

"I am son. You were foolish. You let me lose you, you let me lose my son. How do you think that made me feel?" she asks.

"I'm sorry but I can't do this," said Zack turning his back on the woman ignoring her.

"One of you must get into this car and smash through the wall at the end of this track. If you do everything will vanish and will lead you back out this room. There is ways of failing, don't think it be a walk in the park it won't.  If you don't know how to drive that is one for a start. Good luck...Zack if you wish to leave this to a friend you will come to realize that you don't really care for them at all!"

I watch as she vanishes and the door to the BMW door opens. I look at Zack still his back turned from it.

I sigh. I know Zack can't do this and I don't think as much as Olly seems nice I can trust him with such a task. That only leaves me to do it. I can't quite grasp how that could be Zack's mum. He grew up in care...I'll ask him some other time.

I wish I didn't have too but I've not got much choice. I look at Zack one more time before I head over to the car, I climb into it and close the door. I look at the steering wheel and sigh. I have no idea what I am doing.

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