Chapter Thirty Three/Epilogue

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Being dragged has never been very pleasant and I doubt it ever will be. I am laying on what feels like hot lava, its the hottest I have ever felt here in Sinistral.

I am staring up at a hole of just complete black with nothing else. I look up at it now and I feel the sheer terror of ending up in that. Never to exist again...

My head hurts from being dragged all the way here and my legs are covered in grazes. I think my left arm is broken and my right ankle is twisted really badly.

Zack isn't in much of a better shape then I am but I think he doesn't have any broken bones. "I really had been looking forward to us working together, Cayden. I really wanted this to work. You are my nephew. I feel bad for doing this but you have given me no choice. You keep trying to get in my way and it must stop. If anyone has doubt in me ruling it will be ripped from my hands and I tell you right now Cayden. No way will I let that be you. No way will I let a kid, my nephew take away all I have worked for."

"I think its about time you came to realize that. They will only keep getting in the way," says Actros looking at Zack and me in front of them.

"Yes they will. I have tried to be reasonable about it but enough is enough," he whispers.

I look up at him and feel the tears coming. I let them run down my face, "You think I want this? You think I wanted to go against you?"

"What?" Lucas asks confused.

"Your family...whether I knew it or not and you said I am your weakness and you want me beside you but why is this all about you? Don't you care that as an uncle your meant to care about me. Your meant to protect me. Your meant to be someone I can look up to? All you have done is made me suffer time and time again. You wonder why I can't stand by you," I whisper the tears still welling up.

"Cayden," whispers Zack putting his hand on my shoulder but I pull it away roughly. Hopefully he will forgive me later.

Lucas kneels down in front of me and takes my hand, "Dearest Cayden...I am truly sorry you feel like I have made you suffer. Nothing is easy and I found that out the hard way. Don't cry. Don't let this be harder then it has to be," he says and I can see he is holding back the tears.

He does really care. He really does care about me deep within. Its just a shame I could never bring that to the surface permanently. Shamefully this is also all an act in some respects. I know I can never get him to change his ways. I am getting him to think I am trying to appeal to him but all I am doing is trying to get him to let his guard down.

"Cayden," Lucas goes to continue but I irrupt in anger now.

"Leave me alone! Everyone has lied to me and in someway has let me down!" I scream. Suddenly this weird vibration fills the air and makes the path beneath us shake. Everyone looks at me confused. I am just as confused.

What just happened?

"What was that?" asks Lucas.

"I am not sure," says Actros confused as the rest of us.

"I will not let you continue with your ways!" I shout now getting to my feet and grabbing Actros and Lucas's arms pushing them towards the Black Hole.

"You thought that be enough to get us in there!" laughs Actros.

"You are a fool," says Lucas, "Now this is goodbye," he says.

"No its goodbye to you," I now say feeling this weird sense of power from within me and I watch in amazement and disbelief as Lucas and Actros are forced into the black hole by some invisible force.

"No!" Lucas screams as the Black Hole sucks them up and vanish into the darkness leaving silence behind.

Zack looks over at me his mouth wide open, "How?" was all he managed.

I shake my head, "I have no idea but...its all over. They are gone. All we have to do now build a New World."


What can I really say?

Sinistral is not what it once was.

Its slowly become a distant memory replaced with much more friendly ways to travel, better places to visit and something a bit more natural then it had been. Its not been a five minute job its been quite a hard journey but I have done it.

After all that I had been through, after all that Lucas and Actros did I knew it wouldn't be a easy ride ahead but yet its slowly put me at ease. Slowly made me feel less guarded.

Its taken a lot of cleaning up and a lot thinking too. Of course I would of got nowhere if Zack hadn't helped. He has been everything I have needed.

Its weird to say but I am in charge. I am the New Ruler and Zack is second in command but we are running things a lot more different to how Lucas and Actros have done and the Black Hole has come useful for some particular people who have tried to chop me into little pieces. Some of the Scars just wasn't happy with me being in charge. I have had no time to worry about those types and I won't in the future.

I have people located through out Sinistral to help keep things under control. I have quite a few different type of prisons too but ones that are needed for the not so nice people.

And yes before you begin to ask Gorlodion and Sinistral are completely separate again. After sometime I managed to locate the old rulers of Gorlodion and get them back on top before separating the two worlds again.

As I said its not been an easy journey but I feel now we are at a happy point and all we have to look forward to in the future is peace. We are going to have some trouble as more people arrive but I know Zack and I will handle them and we are not going to let anyone turn Sinistral back to what it was ever again.

We have a lot more tree's and cities that are beautiful and people living in peace. It's all I ever thought of when I first thought about changing it for the better.

I do not know what will happen in the future but lets hope its just as bright as right now.

"Cayden can you please stop writing in. that book!" screams Fay.

"Your lucky I just finished!" I scream back as Fay comes into the room.

"Oh really?" she winks at me.

"Yes really," I laugh back.

I get up from my desk and kiss Fay on the lips. "You two get a room!" shouts Zack from the door winking at me.

"This is one of my rooms," I laugh back.

"Of course almighty ruler," bows Zack.

I pick up a pillow and chuck it right at him, "Enough of that. So Zack hows your mum and dad?" I ask.

"They are just great."

"I am glad. Let's go do our normal patrol," I tell him.

"Ah yes I forgot about that," smiles Zack.

Zack and I patrol parts of Sinistral. It's hard to patrol it all but we try our best to do what we can do and its the part of our day where we spend it talking. We always bring up about life back on earth and we will never forget the journey we had to where we are at now.

Sometimes we sleep and have nightmares but we know as long as we have each other nothing can break us or effect us and it never will.

Our friendship will never be broke and our paths will always be beside each other and that really truly is all that really matters to us.

The End

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