Chapter Nineteen

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I found myself lying on a sea front, the waves crashing down on stones, sea weed scattered around on the stones. My parents are either side of me looking down smiling offering a hand out to help me get to my feet.

I take it and I'm brought into a small embrace. Before we all run into the water together keeping hold of each others hands. My parents want to keep me close, especially in the sea.

Suddenly something changed, cracked straight through my memory like lightening soaring through the rain in a thunderstorm. Blood appeared in the water, piranhas nipping at us...blackness takes over replaced moments later with another memory.

" ever thought of our son!" my mum screams at my drunk dad, she is drunk too though.

"More then you do!" he spits swinging his arms towards her. My little self steps towards them crying getting caught in the cross fire, the memory explodes into a dark room to reveal the Warden.

"I need more deeper memories, push him!" he screams.

I seem to fall into more of a deeper trance and I find myself being held by Lucas, baby me being rocked in his arms. "My only Nephew. No matter what Cayden, you will always be special too me. No matter what among all the crap you be the light that may help bring me back."

Smash! Another memory over powers that one. Lucas looming over me, "One day you will be the nephew I always wanted. You have helped me so much, Cayden. You helped me get Gorlodion and soon I will make you want to be beside me."

I wake up in sweats breathing heavily, I'm still pinned down on this bed, its dark but I knew I was awake. Anything to get away from all of that. He dag deep into my memory to find that memory with Lucas, when I was just a baby. I knew why he had done it but yet why would it really effect me. It doesn't.

I hate Lucas, no matter what memories are shown but I do know I am beginning to hate this  Warden very much too.

"Had enough yet?" The Warden teases from beside me. I look to my left and glare at him.

"What do you want from me? What does any of this prove? So your as crazy as Lucas? So what!" I snap.

The Warden mouth sinks, "You are no fun are you? He really has broken you already?" he questions.

"I told you that. I've already been through mental and physical stuff back in Sinistral. There is not much you can chuck at me that will effect me."

"Your more like him then you think," he says to me.

"You can think what you like, I'm not listening to you."

He continues to stare at me for sometime before he sighs like he almost bored, "Do you wish to know how I got my powers?"

"Does it matter if I know that or not? I mean you have powers whether or not I know how you got them will not help me in the slightest," I tell him.

"That is true, Cayden however I wish to tell you so shut up and listen. I was not the type to me horrible back on earth. I started of as a nice kind gentle boy until I got abused and treated badly for many years. I began to grow up, began to think evil thoughts and what I could do to all those that had treated me badly and used me for money or things they could get out of looking after me or should I say dragging me up. It was only a matter of time until I rebelled badly, but yet that is nothing really. You may notice I am only age thirty, I died by getting my own back. I killed them...but I lived in America I got gunned down by police but they were too late for them," The Warden laughs.

I look at him, "Is that it? Fun story," I smirk at him getting annoyed.

"Shut it! So I went from Earth to Gorlodion. A mix up of course, I had killed two people in cold blood but yet I was being given a second chance because they had no idea I had killed anyone, if they did I would be in this prison right now not in charge of it. When I arrived I had powers, took time to realize and then get a handle of them but they are very handy."

"I thought they would be," I say rolling my eyes

"Actros how did he get his powers?" he asks me.

"I don't know he said he was born with them or something. Too very different stories," I say softly.

"Yes they are..."

"But yet Lucas without powers has more power then either of you really have," I laugh, I can't help it.

The Warden glares at me in anger. I shrug my shoulders in annoyance too. Had enough of this but yet I cant escape I am stuck here and I have no idea where Zack is.  I hope he is alright.

When I am split up from him I feel like I have lost apart of me. Even after all this time that would always be my biggest weakness but the Warden would never know that. I will never let him know that.

"I think that is enough for today. I will let you return to the main part of the prison but I will be keeping a close eye on you Cayden. Your my most interesting prisoner here now."

"What did you do with Jordon?"

He looks at me curiously, "Well that is for me to know and you never to find out isn't it? Do not worry he can't die so feel good knowing that at least. And your friend Tommy isn't it?"

I look at him not saying anything. "He is  back at the cell already. Be grateful I am letting you stick together. But yet I am confused. What happened to  Zack? You had enough of him or something?"

I look at him my eyes alerting to the sudden realization he knows about Zack but has no idea Zack is Zack. He looks at me strangely.

"Hold up...he is Zack isn't he?"

I still said nothing. Did nothing. "Fed up with the silent treatment. See you soon Cayden." Suddenly I blacked out for a bit, not sure for how long but when I reopened my eyes I find myself laying down on a bunk back in the cell and Zack looming over me.

"I am so happy to see you," he smiles bringing me into an embrace.

"I'm happy to see you too. The Warden he has powers," I let him know.

"I figured that out too. I can't believe it. Why is there people with powers and it just seems to be the ones who are evil," Zack sighs.

"I know...this keeps getting harder and harder. What chance does two stupid teenagers got? Cause that is what we are officially still."

"Maybe but we are a threat and we can't just give up. We have to do something," says Zack.

"I know your right and I can not bare to be stuck in here for the eternity."

"We won't. Lucas will find us in time," sighs Zack.

"I do not wish to be back beside him either."

"I know, I can't become a Scar I couldn't take it. So what do you suggest?"

"No idea right now. I just feel so drained right now," I say softly.

"What he do?"

I look at Zack and explain to him everything that had happened before I closed my eyes and got some sleep but only to be smothered with dreams but mostly nightmares yet again.

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