Chapter Twenty Seven

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I woke slowly to what seemed to be roaring. I take in a deep breath before opening my eyes slowly but yet still I couldn't seem to make much out. I shake my head in disbelief.

"I can heal your eyes Cayden," I hear a voice inside my head.

I try blank it but its just getting stronger, "Yes Cayden it is me. You have really become a thorn in Lucas's side but yet he still wishes to get you on his side. You are family to him and that will not change yet we need to find you first. Where are you?" he asks.

"Like I would tell you!" I shout at him out loud.

"Cayden," I hear Zack voice now.

"Zack hurry up, the sword these dragons are feisty today!" I hear Amelia shout.

"Amelia its Cayden I think Actros is inside his head," says Zack.

"Well do what you have to do just chuck me the bloody sword!" Amelia screams this time as I hear this loud roaring and Olly shouting like something bad just happened to him. His shouting turned to a loud scream of pain too quickly making me panic.

"Cayden, its time to make you see," whispers Actros in my head.

Suddenly yet again pain irrupts through my head and soon darkness takes over once more.

I think I have had enough of being knocked out by either Amelia or Zack. I know that is exactly what has been happening.

Yet again I slowly open my eyes to find myself laying on what seems to be a half distant bed which is next to quite a few more. I look around to find the room I am in completely empty. Where am I?

Other then beds there seems to be some books but no windows and its hot in here just as much as its hot everywhere else it is in Sinistral. Have we made it to the Scar camp?

"Cayden your awake," says Zack coming into the room and over to the bed sitting on the edge of it.

"Where are we?"

"The Scar camp. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay...they have beds in the scar camp? That seems a bit weird," I tell him.

"I thought that too."

"Where is Amelia and Olly?"

"Olly is with Amelia she has already began to speak to them and they have been talking the past hour. I was just looking around."

"How you feeling about this place?"

"I am not sure. I think I am okay but its weird thinking I could of ended up here if...," he trails off not wanting to finish his sentence.

"Yeah I understand Zack. How long do you think it will take to convince them?"

Zack looks at me and sighs, "I have no idea. I just hope this plan works."

I nod my head, "I hope so too."

Suddenly and without warning Olly comes rushing into the room crashing into a bed and falling flat on his face. He scrambles to his feet, "Your awake that's good. We have a bit of a problem you better come quick," he says.

I climb out the bed with Zack's help and manage to find my balance quickly. I am happy I can see again and it seems that Actros is nowhere to be heard which is a relief.

We follow Olly out the room and down a long corridor which is dark but lit by what seems to be small candles in glass jars hanging off the wall. The walls are red and black and the floor is a brown colour.

We don't stop till we reach the end of the corridor a door right in front of us. Olly opens the door to reveal a huge room, the ceiling seems to be about six meters tall in the middle of the ceiling hangs a huge chandelier lighting up the room.

A long table runs down one side of the room and the rest is clear just brown marble flooring. Amelia stands just in front of the row of chairs and the long table with what seems to be at least twenty scars could be more.

"You said to me that you would go against him one day if you had a chance. A lot of you did. Once upon a time we were friends. I have the one person that might be able to stop him," she grits her teeth.

"He is awake then," speaks the man right in front of Amelia. Yet again he has the same features as any other Scar but something does seem different about him, most of them up the table seem to be interested or considering her offer I can tell by their faces.

Amelia turns around and smiles when she meets my eyes, "Yes this is Cayden and this was all his plan but I have faith in him. We all should," smiles Amelia putting her arm on my shoulder.

"So you think you have what it takes to defeat Lucas and Actros do you and what is so special about you? Apart from what actually being the one that joined the two words. That makes you more on his side doesn't it?" he addresses me but more to the rest of the scars.

"Yes we agree," speaks a few of the scars answering his question.

"I have been lied too and tricked upon by Actros and Lucas. I did exactly what they wanted without knowing what I was doing. I thought I was saving Sinistral not colliding it with Gorlodion and you have to believe me on that. I believe if we stand against him and find a way to stop him and Actros we can bring both worlds separate again and I will make Sinistral a better place. I will do all I can to do that you have to trust me."

I am not sure if I can do that or what really is going to happen but I need to convince them to help us. We need more people to stand against them. If that involves me some how taking over Sinistral one day then so be it.

"You will make this a better place," one says before everyone starts to laugh.

"He is telling the truth. What's so hard in trying? We can't die, we are all dead. We have to at least give it ago," says Amelia.

"She has a point," one scar says.

Some more of the scars start to agree. "Before we decide to help you or not we have to be convinced on one more thing. Is he any good at fighting or standing up for what he wants to do. You need to prove yourself Cayden!"

"What do you want me to do?" I ask.

"We want to know exactly what your plan is but before that..."

"We want you to show your fighting skills," speaks a voice coming from the other side of the room near the door. There stands a tall blond girl wearing the scar uniform, sword in her holder and a scar clearly down her face. "Its nice to see you again Amelia," she continues, "I give you credit you went against Lucas and Actros and some how you made it back here. You are one feisty cow. We all left you hanging...maybe we do owe you for that. But if we had not you may have never met this kid. So kid fight me. Show me how good you really are. I will not risk everything for anyone."

I look at the girl before I speak, "Sure I'll show you what I got."

"Good looks like we have a challenge. I am Fay by the way and Actros and Lucas's New head of Scars here in Sinistral. I mostly lead new scars in training at the present time. If you fail to impress me...I'll be giving you to him in a heart beat. Just so we are clear. May I ask you something?" she asks me.

"What is it?"

"Your damaged, damaged beyond repair but yet you stand here as strong as maybe me or George over there. You been through a lot right?"

"Maybe what is that too you?"

"If you can go through certain things maybe you are the one to stop him but we will see. Let's go out into the training field. There you will prove yourself to me and the rest of us."

I nod to her before I look to Amelia, Olly and Zack who look slightly concerned but I smile to them to make them feel a little more easy.

This is make or break now. I fail here I might as well give in and accept defeat.

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