Chapter Three

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"Cayden don't panic," said Zack trying to be confident but I could see in his eyes he is just as worried as I am. He don't mind water but he still doesn't want to end up drowning forever does he? We are no longer standing in the water we are floating edging ever closer to the ceiling.

"Zack are you a good swimmer?" I asked suddenly. He looked at me spiting water out his mouth taking a deep breath.

"Yeah we both can but what's your point? Swimming isn't going to keep us from drowning not when the water hits the ceiling," Zack frowns.

"I know but there is a door. A door we haven't tried. Can you swim to go check it?" I ask quickly.

"I can try but I can't make any promises. I'll try anything. You be alright here don't go no where," says Zack smirking. I know he is teasing me but I just have to play along. "Where else can I go then Zack? Maybe I'll go to the bottom of the water," I snap back. He raised his eyebrows up at me cheekily. I smiled. Even in this freezing cold water and the thought of drowning forever firmly planted in my brain, I just have to smile. "Wait I'll go, you wait here," I say.

I struggled towards the other door before Zack stopped me. I can swim but I'm not the best and my wound was still vulnerable why did I say I'll do this instead of Zack? Ignoring the pain I pushed with my arms and legs desperately  trying to get to our only way out. The room isn't big but when your trying to cross it in ice cold water its not exactly easy.

After what felt like forever I pushed myself under the water and I reached out my hand feeling wood it is the door. I felt my way down towards the knob, "Damn! It's locked! How can this be happening?" "Cayden...." I hear Zack shout he coughed violently chocking on the water, "Hurry."

I try again to open the door, please I thought come on open please, I banged on the door repeatedly I don't know why I had this insane idea that maybe someone would hear and come help us. It is stupid to even think that in this hell hole but then something amazing happened.

"Hello," a voice called from the other side of the door.

My heart leaps inside my chest. I couldn't be happy to hear it. I don't care who it is. Even if it's a Scar I would be bloody happy right about now. I pushed myself to the top of the water. The water is so close to the ceiling now I couldn't be further from the door down below but I shouted anyway, "Help please get the door open!" Zack started screaming too. He had reached me looking out of breath. "Are you alright?" I ask him.

"Yeah," he managed and that's when a suddenly pull made us realize the door had just been opened. The water starts to flow out and we start to breathe properly in relief as the water went out.

Moment later we are both on the ground on our feet and young looking guy comes into the room smiling, "I'm glad I managed to do that just then. Looked like you were on the edge of drowning," he laughed.

"Well constantly drowning," Zack added.

"Yeah right we are already dead. Not much to fear...maybe. Each door is as worst as the next. Trust me, the one I just got out of not something I wish to talk about. You came upon the door too though I see? This is a trap, clearly."

"I'm Zack and this is Cayden. We believe it must of been put to stop people traveling from Gorlodion to Sinistral or reverse by no other then Lucas and Actros themselves," said Zack looking at me and I nod to agree. No other explanation really. This had to be Actros and his powers.

"I'm Olly...but I have no idea who Lucas or Actros are."

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