Chapter Twenty Nine

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"You seem more clever," speaks Lucas as he steps into the room and heads towards me.

"So what is your plan? Come and destroy us all or what? I know more now then you think I do. How is your Warden friend I take you know now what he did. Bet you find it funny. I know your visual effect that Actros is doing. Your close but not yet."

"You may think your clever but not as much as I am. You never will be. I am in charge don't you dare ever forget that Nephew. I have some information you will like to know. I have Zack's parents. Kind of a funny story but I have them. He won't know this but both his parents had cancer. They gave away Zack in hope he would grow up with a better family. A mother and father that were not ill but as I recoil he never really did find a loving family, shame really. This is what I am going to tell you and tell you only once. Zack parents are safe for now but they will go through terrible pain if you do not give yourself up to me. This is a warning because if you fail to do so I will outcast you as my family and I will get rid of you once and for all. Oh one more thing Nephew, I give you credit for getting through that door to the other side. I was quite surprised you managed to do it."

"Who are you really interested in? Is it me? Is it Zack or Amelia? What is your game here because I really don't want to play it no more. I have made some big mistakes but I keep going around and around inside my head. Why me of all people? Why your Nephew? What do you want from me? You know what don't even bother answering those questions I'll find out soon enough. I'll come with you. I'll find you but you have to promise me something. You give me a map that will take Zack and Amelia to his parents. I want answers that I can only get from you," I whisper.

"Now who's playing a game huh Nephew but I think I know you well enough to tell your not even lying are you?"

"No I'm not."

"It has always been you I have been more interested in. You are my blood after all. The Warden new that too, maybe you are my one true weakness but you will have to come to me to find out more. I'll get Actros to drop off a map to you. If only he could teleport not only me but him at the same time and then I would have you all but yet maybe I should do one good deed for once. I'll see you soon then, Nephew."

The Special effect of my uncle disappears. I sit down on the bed and breathe for a couple seconds before Actros teleports right in front of me.

"I do not see what he sees in you but your lucky he sees something," he says ramming a map into my hands, "This map is for Zack and this," he says handing me over another piece of scrap paper is where we are at. Make sure you take the quickest journey. We are waiting!" he shouts before he disappears.

I sigh in relief. I get back up off the bed and search for something to write a letter for Zack. I find a piece of paper and a pen and sit down at the desk in here near the door.

I quickly write the letter out word by word as I explain myself to Zack in the best way I can. I write the last couple words and sigh. I leave it on the desk along with the map beside it.

I look around the room one last time before I take the Scar sword Fay had given to me and I head towards the only exit they still probably haven't covered yet. I have to move quick. I rush to the door pull it open and head out the back of the Scar camp as I look at the map I had been provided to get to Lucas and Actros.

Maybe I have let them all down in someway. Maybe all what I said I would do I'm giving up but part of me is doing this for them. For Zack and Amelia and the other part...I need to know answers and I need to know more about Lucas in some shape or form. I need to know what he really wants from me. I just haven't decided what I am really doing. Am I fighting for Zack or Lucas or am I fighting for Gorlodion and Sinistral?

Right now its Zack and Lucas both together.

My only family?

What would you choice?

Zack's POV

I rush back into the room in hope Cayden has returned so we can block off the last way to get in or out of the building.

I look around the room but he is nowhere to be seen. Cayden where the heck are you at? I look to the desk beside me and gasp at what I see. No do not tell me this is a goodbye note you see in all those typical movies...

I pick up the piece of paper and is.

Dear Zack, 

I'm sorry. I didn't know  it would come to this. I promised myself I never let you go again, but  yet again I've broken that. Maybe not on purpose but never the less I  have. I had too though, for yours and her safety. I have to know  answers, answers which I must find on my own. I hope we will meet again,  on better terms. Hell maybe next time I'll see you Sinistral will be  safe again. I'm sorry to tell you this but your parents are in  Sinistral. He has them; he'll try using them against me and you, he already kind of did. He'll  come for you but that's why I'll find him first. Don't come and find me,  find your parents. It's what you need to do now. 

See you again maybe someday.


Cayden what have you done?

I look at the map next to it. This will lead me to my parents? My real parents? I never knew them but the thought of them getting tortured or punished because of me...I have to go get them. Cayden knew I would. Cayden knew I would want too. Cayden knew I would feel bad if I didn't. What he has done, he has done partly for me and partly for himself. He wants answers about Lucas and him. They are related and that part is him being slightly selfish because apart from me all he has is his uncle now.

Oh Cayden I really hope you know what you are doing.

"Zack what is going on?" she asks.

"We got to go now. I'll explain on the way," I tell her.

"What about everyone else? What about Olly?"

"They will be safe here for now. No one is in danger. Cayden is giving himself up to Lucas," I tell her.

"No way...why?"

"To save everyone, to give me time to find my real parents and also for himself because Lucas is still his uncle."

"Alright then Zack lets go."

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