Chapter Fifteen

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When I had returned to the cell I stayed silent. Zack laid out on one of the bunks but kept looking over at me leaning against the bars. He seemed to be waiting. Waiting for me to say something, anything but yet I knew he would break the silence first. I did not wish to burden him with bad news. He knows me. He doesn't know Zack is Zack. He thinks he is Tom but me...he knows I am Cayden. But how?


Why does it always seem to be me?

I place my hand in my back pocket and pull out the diary. It's been through a lot, torn and wet but yet some of the writing still remains. All that had happened up until we escaped the tower for the third time but yet most of its washed away. Most of it could already be seen as a distant memory. Yet I remember it all. I would never forget.


"What are you thinking about? What did he say to you?" Zack finally asking sitting up on the bunk but avoiding whacking his head on the one above it.

"He knows I am Cayden. He is certain," I say chucking the diary on the ground next to Zack's feet.

"How can he know?"

I shrug my shoulders. "All I know is we will regret getting caught," I say softly

"I think we already do. But it was not our fault, Cayden. We tried our best. We can not just give up," said Zack.

"I did not say that we are giving up. No way. Lucas does not know we are here. He even said that but yet he can tell him at any moment. But I do not think he will. Who ever he is...he likes fun and he probably knows it be funnier if we are kept here," I say to him looking at the diary still on the ground at his feet.

"You wrote it all down. All we went through but yet...most of its been washed away right?"

"Yeah it has. I do not know why I even did it but how many days we were stuck in the tower again I had to do something. I would of gone completely insane if I hadn't. He knows who I am but he does not know you. He still believes you are Tom. I do not know why. I never been in a real prison before," I suddenly change the subject.

"Me either and I doubt this is any normal prison. We are in for some trouble," says Zack.

"Whatever we do we are. Even in here we can mess things up, be a constant barrier and problem for them but we need to find a way out and fast."

"It will not be easy," Zack says picking up the diary at his feet.

"No it will not," I say as I go over to him and stop in front of him and take the diary back. "We will never forget diary or not," I say before I chuck it under the bed, "Forget it now."

"So what you suggest we do?"

"Why you asking me? Your the one that is good at making plans. Your skills are much better then mine," I nudge him as we both sit down on the bunk bed.

"I have no idea do I. That is why I asked you. You seem to be better at it lately," Zack smirks.

"Of course I am. Look where we are. I do not think you want to rely on my ideas. We lost Olly and I got us stuck in this prison," I say slightly frustrated.

"Could of been worse," said Zack trying to cheer me.

"Worse...of course it could," I laugh.

"At least we are not wearing those ridiculous jump suits," Zack begins.

Suddenly are door to the cells opens up. "Come with us!" snaps two different Scars we had not met yet. There may not be much of a different between scars but there size, age and gender are different and that helps to know if we have seen them before or not.

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