Chapter Twenty Five

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Zack and Amelia are next to me. We all clamber to our feet, "No fears and no doors?" asks Zack puzzled.

"I am as confused as you are," I tell him.

"That is because I am clever," booms a voice from behind us.

We all turn to face the big gates down at the end of the path that are wide open. There he stood. Someone I had hoped we meet again but yet I feared we may never see again.

It's Olly.

"I can't believe it! Your okay," I say running towards him and stopping as I reach him.

"I got taken by a bloody Scar brought me back here. Stupid thing is though with everyone out looking for someone called Cayden and Zack," he winks, "Only one Scar in the tower. Easy to escape and he had this special remote he can press if he just wants someone to travel from Gorlodion to Sinistral or Sinistral to Gorlodion with out all the doors and the fears," smiles Olly.

Zack and Olly have a quick embrace, "Thanks dude. So glad we didn't have to do that again.

"No problem. Who is this?" Olly asks looking at Amelia.

"I am Amelia. I hope maybe Zack's girlfriend?" she asks looking cheekily at Zack.

"Maybe," Zack smirks."

"Why you back here? It feels like forever since I saw you."

"Time is so hard to know here. But yeah it has been quite a while now. We need any help we can get. We need to knock Lucas right of his so called throne and we can not do that on our own. Amelia knows of this Scar camp. Once upon a time she was one and we are hoping they will help us. Amelia will try convince them," I tell Olly.

"Sounds like a good plan. What happened to your good clothes? Jumpsuits are hideous," he tells us.

"I know worst fashion statement ever but like that matters anyway. We were in prison Olly for what has felt like an eternity already. It does not matter now. We should get moving," I say as we all head down the path and through the gates the tower in front of us.

"Seen this tower too many times," says Zack and Amelia both at once.

"Haven't we all," I sigh.

"My first time," says Olly.

"You better hope its your only time," says Zack.

"Yeah I do. Its horrible."

"Amelia where is this Scar camp located?"

"I think I can find it but its not close," says Amelia.

"We thought it wouldn't be. I mean we never came across it when we were here before and we traveled a lot of it I am certain of that," says Zack.

"Doesn't mean its far but you are right its not exactly a five minute walk but I remember how to get to it. I am certain I can get us there so don't worry."

"Alright then then lead the way my lady," says Olly bowing to her.

"You said this guy is cool," says Amelia laughing.

"Most of the time," says Zack nudging Olly to act more normal.

"Sorry," Olly says looking embarrassed.

Amelia leads the way, we pass the tower and continue along the path. Flash backs of Zack and I escaping the tower for the second time come to mind after we had got the map. I really hoped I never have to travel half way across Sinistral again just as much as everyone else but we have no choice now.

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