Chapter Twenty Two

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At first the Warden seemed to welcome me into his clean and pleasant  office, like we were just going to have a nice chat but yet I knew  different, and so did he.

He got me into a new jump suit and made me clean my face.

He looked at me for some time we both sat opposite from each other,  table in between us. He raised his eyebrows, "Just letting you rest for a  moment. You been through quite a lot already."

"Maybe but now or five minutes time, will not make a difference."

"Maybe it will not but there is just as much as a chance it will, so  if I was you I would take it!" he roared at me his anger slipping  through his nice pleasant smile he had been trying to keep up, but I  knew it wouldn't last long. It never does. He reminds me too much of  Lucas. They seem and feel so familiar, it's scary.

Not much scares me but this is up there.

"I want to see Zack."

"You will soon. I did not know you were friends with Amelia. I will have to do some research into that," he sneers.

He thinks so much like him. I hope I will never be as cold, horrible  and sick ever like Lucas, my uncle. I will never turn out like that.  Like this man in front of me. Never!

The silence made this  whole situation twice as worse and by the look in his face, he knew it.  Finally got up from his chair and came towards me. I got to my feet.

"Its time already?" I raise my eyes up at him.

He nods, "Indeed it is Cayden."

I  followed him through a door, a door different to the one we had entered  into. I find myself in a huge size room. But not any normal room,  almost like a lab but something felt different about it.  I can feel  this strange presence in here. Something gripping onto me, zooming  around my chest making it hard to breathe.

He took hold of my  shoulder and pulled me further into the room and he pulls me towards a  door at the other side of it. "What do you plan to do to me?" I ask the  all important question I can not hold back any longer.

He sneers now, gleaming with pure happiness, "I wonder if you would ask me. Jordon," he finally says.

"What about him?"

"You saw him after what I did right? Red and puffy around his eyes, thin and drained," he whispers.

"Yeah I saw him."

"Well imagine that but more worse," he laughs this time.

"Why do you have such fun making overs suffer?"

"You  see Cayden, someone like you would never understand my motives or how I  truly think and I the same with you. You have a warm heart and that  will always stand in the way of everything. Let that all go. Forget the  pain, forget the world and just think of you. Then maybe you will  understand my motives." The warden grips my shoulder harder pulling open  the door and forcing me inside.

I turn to look at him, "Well anyone who only relies on himself will fail," I whisper to him.

"Maybe but the only one that will suffer today is you!" he barks.

I  turn to face the room he had forced me inside too. The air in here is  different and its foggy.  Not normal fog, some sort of green and red  smoke. Its already hurting my lungs, even though I know it would not kill me. It is still causing me to not be able to catch my breath  properly.

The Warden whispers some words. Suddenly my hands are  forced behind my back some sort of force and they get handcuffed  together. I try break free but I knew it be no good but I had to try  even though I knew it would fail.

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