Chapter Thirty

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The map Actros had given me sort of confused me and the more I looked at it the more I have got confused about it. All I really know is Lucas and Actros are located at what seems to be an old part of Sinistral and apparently its called Prison For the Forgotten. Sounds really pleasant. I really am looking forward to getting there...not really.

I am more concerned what is install and I do not feel in control. He is in control. I let him take control again but its too late for over thinking it now. I just need to get my head around the map and get on with it.

They have given me a destination but no path but Actros said take the shortest one. Shortest one could be the most dangerous. That is what I keep thinking about. What I could face and all on my own. 

Zack had been the good one at maps and then Amelia led the way to the Scar camp. I have never been good at maps but I just need to relax and take the shortest route. What is so hard about that right?

I am standing by what seems to be some sort of lava pit. I sit down on a rock that is boiling hot just like the ground and look at the map.

There is three ways in which would all take me to the Prison Of The Forgotten. One seems like it take forever having to go through six different areas to get too. The other two are shorter but are both the same amount of places to go through, four. 

Now I just need to decide which way would be the most safest. How could I even know that though? I normally just judge on looks but the first time I did that when Zack and I had nowhere to really go...I got us burned alive and then the water and the spear in my shoulder and Zack's shoulder...well yeah it wasn't great. So what do I do?

Just choice at random like it really matters. I'm going to go for the right route. I get up off the rock and head towards the right route in hope I have choice wisely but knowing me its probably the worse route to go.

I walk, walk and continue to walk until I come across the first area I have to head through to get to my location. On the map its called Swamp which I find odd in such a hot place.

I walk through a tiny gap which is covered my trees into a misty, hot Swamp. There are a few paths but most of its horrible, stinky, hot water. It smells like dirty underpants and a slight hint of rotting food.

This was just a great idea but did Fiery death of the hidden Talons sound any better? No it didn't. I walk onto the thin ledge and start to walk slowly across it. It's a pretty long way to the other end. This might take me ages to do. Maybe this was a bad idea.

Too late now though I might as well get on with it. I take each step carefully so I don't slip and fall into the water. That will not be a nice thing to swim in I am certain off that and I swear something might be inside the water or that could just be me being paranoid.

I keep going as steady as I can. Just as go to take another step something hard hits me right in the side of the shoulder forcing me off the ledge and I crash straight into the water. I nearly choke on the water before I come back to the surface to find an arrow planted right inside of my right shoulder. I am so use to pain now its actually partly seems natural.

I look around but can't see anyone. I climb back onto the small ledge clinging to it as something sharp bites onto my left leg. I pull it onto the ledge and see a deep bite in it, blood rising to the skin quickly.

I knew something was in that water, I so knew it. "Who is there!" I shout.

"Swamp King! State why you are here?"

"You couldn't of just asked me that? instead of shooting me with an arrow!" I shout back.

"State why you are here?"

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