Chapter Twenty

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I woke to some strange noises. Buzzing, shouting and then a high pitch scream. I open my eyes to find Zack over by the bars looking out.

"What is going on?" I ask.

"A fight I think in one of the cells a load of Scars just went by. You alright?" he asks me.

I look at him and nod, "I'm alright. Been better but I'll always feel like that now. Any news?"

"Nope not come back yet, nothing is going on all seems dead apart from the fight that just kicked out. Just forget about that," says Zack as she comes over and sits down on the bed I'm still laying in.

"It's hard to forget anything these days Zack. My nightmares are full of my past and my present and I fear what the future is. Does it even count as the future? Now that we are dead, I just do not know. It's always been confusing ever since I died."

"I know that feeling Cayden but at least we got each other still. If nothing else good has came out of all we have been through at least we made a friendship that can't easily break," smiles Zack.

"You are right. You are the best thing that has happened. I think you always will be now. We need a plan and plan that the Warden doesn't figure out or know about...but it feels unlikely that will happen."

"We need allies. I know we are the only ones to be able to do anything but yet that does not mean we do not need help. We need as much help as possible."

"Who can we trust?"

"Not sure...maybe no one right now. Not in this prison. Most are still here for a bad reason," says Zack.

"Your right about that. We can't trust anyone right now," I say as I look down at the jump suit I am wearing and sigh. "I hate this."

"So do I."

The next couple hours went by really slowly. We talked for a little while but yet after a while we had nothing else to discuss and nothing else that we could talk about. We waited and waited and after a long time I think I nearly fell back to sleep but two Scars came to fetch us and take us back to the social gathering of all the inmates.

Zack and I stayed very close. We kept a close eye out on anyone that looked like they would come and bother us. We found part of the area that was free in a corner and we sat down on the bench and watch the TV close by.

"Big bang theory. I use to watch them all the time," smiles Zack.

"I use to watch some episodes but my parents always liked watching movies together," I laugh.

"I never had that luxury," sighs Zack.

"I'm sorry," I tell him.

"No need to be. I have all the family I need now," he smiles right at me and I nod to agree.

I look away from Zack and turn my head slightly to my right and my mouth falls open at who I see. I let my eyes whip from her to Zack a few times to ensure I'm not seeing anything.

"Zack...Zack!" I shout his name.

"What?" he asked confused.

"Zack its her. It's Amelia!" I say loudly to him as I get to my feet and drag him to his feet too. At times I had not liked Amelia. The past should stay in the past right? I knew in the long wrong Amelia isn't evil and maybe the only person we can trust in this place. As much as I know Zack has feelings for her and as much it may make me hurt inside again...I knew he would never forgive me if I had not told him or in this case show him.

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