Chapter Nine

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We left Olly's house. I could see Zack watching me out the corner of his eye. I had taken the lead. I had somehow just had a little more hope then he had and that meant I took the lead. I can tell Zack trusts me and so does Olly. It's good for people to believe in you. I just hope I do know what I am actually doing.

I've been through just as much crap as Zack has but we are still here and we had told Olly our story, and even Olly noticed how strong our friendship is. We are family now and no one can take that away, even if I'm sure we both have doubts about it staying this way. We are all we have left, we are going to worry about losing the other, I know I do at least.

Olly shows us the way to a row of shops just pass the houses. I look at them in wonder with the sign, and clothes in the window. "This is like earth?" I ask Olly.

"Almost, I mean same sort of way we use to work on earth but everything is free. Don't need money here, never will. Well that may all change now. We don't need clothes, we don't need food but we like them back on earth so we like them here," smiles Olly.

"Are you being serious?" Zack asked impressed.

"That is pretty awesome. I can't believe how much we have missed," I said pulling open the door to the shop, a light shines on as we walk in and my mouth drops open at what I see.

Rows and rows of female and male clothes, all types of sizes, shoes I haven't even seen before. I start to walk over to the males t-shirts and start to flick through them. I can't believe there is so much to choice from. It's incredible how much I missed this type of stuff. I use to hate shopping, but I did enjoy having nice clothes when my parents could afford them. My parents that weren't actually my parents. Not like any of that really matters now. I still wonder over it though, I still think about it in the back of my mind. It still lingers there now and again coming over it and thinking about it.

I miss them, whether they were my parents or not and I doubt I'll ever see them again. I really do miss them. They did love me, no matter if they had lied to me for all those years. It's a shame I never realized that before, before it was too late.

"Cayden you alright?" Zack asks me as he comes up from behind me. I catch his glance realizing I had stopped looking and had got lost in thought.

"Yeah I'm fine," I lie to him. He looks at me knowing I'm lying but with Olly's eyes heated on us he didn't ask. "What you think of this top?" he asks me showing me a top with a long sword on it. I can't quite figure out where I had seen the sword before.

"It's cool," I tell him.

"Don't tell me you don't know where this is from? Come on its not any normal sword is it?" Zack says looking at me in disappointment.

"I don't know Zack. I don't have a clue."

"Oh hold on what about this one," says Zack showing me another top with a sword but this isn't just a sword, its a key blade and whether I can't pin point on the other top I know this one for certain. "Kingdom hearts," I smile.

"Yeah I think you should wear it along with those jeans, the black ones and to finish of the look that black leather jacket and those black boots," he grins.

I look at Zack for a moment and realize something. He just suggested a look that people might think is sort of Gothic, maybe emo but what really surprised me was I think I like it. I think I would like that look, I can't quite grasp what my dress sense use to be but what I'm wearing right now is dark trousers, dark shoes, black top and a jacket. Maybe that is how Zack guessed the look I might of gone for. I've slowly forgotten what I was like back on earth when I was alive. It's slipped so far away its only now I'm slowly remembering again. The clothes I've got on are torn, burned and pretty much destroyed. Even Olly made it clear. We don't need clothes but I want them.

I took the clothes Zack had picked out for me and I go over to the changing area, close the curtain and change into them.

When I come out and look in the mirror I smile. I see my face, a face I hardly recognize any more. I see the scars on my face I never had before. The dirt covering up my beige skin.

"You look pretty awesome," says Zack handing me over the only sword we have between the three of us.

I take the sword and look at myself again and smile. I do look pretty epic, almost ready for any battle that is put in front of me.

"What you going to wear?" I ask.

"I don't know? I was thinking maybe a long red dress what you think?" he winks at me joking.

"Very funny Zack. Where is Olly?" I ask.

Olly steps out from another changing room and grins in my direction. He is wearing blue jeans, smart brown shoes and a shirt.

"I'm not sure that's good for battle," smirks Zack winking at me.

"Yeah I agree but it don't matter it looks good."

"Alright let me change," says Zack as he dives into the changing room and closing the curtain roughly.

I smile at Olly, "It does feel good, having new clothes."

"Yeah I agree. I haven't really thought about getting a new outfit but I like this," he smiles.

I carry on looking around at other style of clothes that they do in here until I hear the curtain being pulled open. I turn around to find Zack standing in front of me. He is wearing converses which are blue, cool looking jog bottoms and the top he had pulled out with the sword I don't recognize and a jacket with a anime character on it.

"Who is that?" I ask.

"Ichigo Kurosaki and the swords his too. You never seen Bleach?" he asks me.

I shrug my shoulders, "I can't remember," I tell him.

"Oh well never mind it was an awesome anime. We all done then," smiles Zack.

"You both need a weapon. We have to go back to the Scars and take two more swords from them. We all need something to protect ourselves with. This isn't going to be easy," I tell them both.

They both nod to agree. We leave the shop and head back to the houses. We stop outside the house we had put the Scars in. I open the door and step inside. They are all still here tied up but some of them are awake by now. They all look pretty pissed off.

I walk over and take the two swords that were left in the Scars belts and give one to Zack and one to Olly.

"You just going to leave us here?" one finally asked as Zack and Olly leave and I'm at the door. I turn back around and look at them.

"Yes I am. Remember to pass on the message I said. You will regret working for such a man one day, trust me. You are on the losing side. One way or another I will stop him and you."

I walk out the door but turn back to look at them as I go to close the door, "We will win!"

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