Chapter Twenty One

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I spotted the Scar out side our cell every hour or so during the next day or so. It could have been easily more then a day, who knows. No one will ever know now being dead. It's hard to know when day is or night is.

But yet I spotted the Scar watching our cell for a long time at the least.  The girl Scar we had when we had to change into these grey jump suits. Zack hadn't really noticed much. He slept most of the time and occasionally woke to speak to me about the nightmares I always get.

When Zack sleeps he doesn't have dreams or nightmares so he always seems intrigued by mine even though I prefer not to relive them by telling him. If it makes him less bored for a bit I guess I don't mind as much.

Just as I thought I would just go to sleep for a bit pretty bored of just staring at a wall the lady Scar came into view again but this time opening the cell door. Zack didn't wake, he is still fast asleep.

She steps into the cell and closes it behind her. I look at her oddly. What is she doing? She steps closer towards the bunks. I get to my feet and go over to her but stop a little bit away from her.

"What do you want?" I ask curiously.

She smiles pleasantly at me. "You are pretty cute," she whispers.

"You what?" I say confused.

"Good body," she continues now going around me to look at me better.

"What are you doing," I say stepping away towards the bars to get her to stop looking at the back of me.

"I like you," she continues.

"Well that's nice care to leave me alone now!" I bark at her.

"I'll make life better in here you know," she smirks again.

"No thanks."

"Your very stubborn."

"Yeah that's me. Just go away and have fun somewhere else," I snap at her.

She grabs onto my hair tightly, "I'll teach you to have a mouth boy!" she spits.

I kick her in the leg but it didn't seem to faze her at all. She is built like a rock I'm telling you. She grabs me out the cell by my hair and down the long row of the rest of the cells everyone looked as we went by and I tried to struggle but all my efforts seemed pointless and made everyone in the cells laugh at me.

Just great. I'm a laughing stock now. What the heck does she think she is doing? She pulls me up the stairs now going more willingly to stop my head from hurting so much.

"Get off!" I finally snap.

"No," she whispers into my ear weirdly.

She pulls me along another long corridor with just blocks of different type of storage rooms until we reach the bottom and she stops outside a door.

"What's this?" I ask curiously.

"This is my room."

She unlocks it, rams open the door and pushes me inside roughly finally letting go off my hair. The light within the room is poor, I can barely make out a thing.

"I can't see," I tell her annoyed.

Suddenly the room became brighter. I find bared windows, a double bed in the corner. A sofa, TV and a load of books on a shelf. She grabs my arm and makes me sit down on the couch.

"Why you bring me here? This is punishment?" I ask curiously.

"You see those two doors over there," she points to the left and two doors leading out the room but are of course not the door we came through.

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