Johnny x Aera; JoRa

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*extreme height difference


*Johnny is ready to kill anyone even they even thought about coming near her

*ready to walk her down the aisle because he's her father

*no dating until she's 31

*she asked him to marry Ten

*he knew that she was going to be like a sister to him they first day he saw her

*she wants him to marry ten

*he cried when she debuted

*she cried when he debuted

*carried her on his shoulders once and she almost cried because it was too high

*she still wants him to marry ten

*takes her phone away from her whenever she stays for too long on it

*like literally he once went to her down only to take her phone away because it was 3AM

*saw her hitting Haechan before but didn't do anything

*"She hit you? I didn't see that? All I know is that you annoy her all the time, Haechan."

*"She didn't do anything Doyoung, stay away from her."

*buys her a lot of dresses because she looks really cute in them

*almost broke a guy's arm because he was flirting with her when they were trainees

*has her contact name as 'Princess'

*has his contact name as 'John-Banana'

*His mother loves her more than him

*He's good friends with her brother

*She's closer to him more than her own brother

*Jora are siblings goals

24th member; of NCTWhere stories live. Discover now