Jungwoo x Aera; JungRa

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*lost soulmates

*Aera is his copycat

*has all her attention now

*the boys almost started hating him for that 

*she wants to be around him 24/7 

*takes her on dates all the time

*let her stay up all night just so they can talk and hang out

*almost moved to her dorm 

*has more clothes in her dorm than his own

*they have matching everything 

*clothes, shoes

*bracelets, necklaces, rings

*posters, phone cases 

*if one of the members tell her no she goes to Jungwoo and he does whatever she wants 

*she listens to him all the time 

*she once told Doyoung that Jungwoo is her favorite and Doyoung was sulky for the whole day 

*she told him the next day that Jungwoo is still her favorite

*he once made her take a sip from his beer and when Taeyong found out he almost killed him because she was still underage

*she almost started talking like him 

*he taught her how to be an expert flirt 

*has his contact name as 'Besite'

*has her as 'Baby' 

*the older members are afraid that something bad would happen to her while she's with hin 

*they don't care tho 

*JungRa are amazing

24th member; of NCTWhere stories live. Discover now