A Letter of Thanks

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Dear reader,

Thank you. Thank you for sticking this story out. Thank you for sticking at my side through all of the writer's block. Thank you for choosing to read Weasley Charm.

When I started writing, I had no idea where it would lead me. I thought it would just be a quick little leisure activity on TikTok. Boy, was I wrong. What started as a small leisure activity led me to the best thing that could have happened to me. What started on TikTok soon led me to draft my first story Forever Home. From that, I landed upon writing this one as well. And I must say, that was the best damn decision I could have made. I have found my passion, writing.

And yes, I realize some feel as though marriage and children ruin a story. I myself don't find the idea of marriage and children all that appealing. But, when I sat and thought of the story of Delaney and Fred and their journey, I knew it was right. I knew that it was the way to go for them.

So now, I come to you with the last of this story. It has come to a close. I'd be lying if I said this wasn't a bittersweet goodbye. But, all I have to say is thank you. Thank you for all of your endless love and support. Thank you for all the comments and votes. Thank you. For everything.

yours truly,


Weasley Charm | Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now