15 - The Rise After the Fall

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Alex was a wreck after Jesse left. She cried for three days straight. After the three days, she managed to pull herself together but anytime she saw anything that reminded her of Jesse, she would burst into tears.

Thankfully Neesha became the anchor that she needed. She made sure Alex ate, shower, go to work, and tried as much as possible to return her to normal. 

During one of her breakdowns, Alex was sobbing on Neesha's lap in her bedroom. Neesha was saying words of encouragements while she caressed Alex's long black hair. When she had calmed down, Alex asked her, "Why are so good at this?"

Neesha chuckled and said, "Unlike you, my sweet friend, I have had my heart broken hundreds of times. Some are harder to get over, some are easier. I know how you feel about Jesse. The first one is always the hardest to get over." She tucked Alex's hair behind her ear and said wisely, "But you will get over him, I promise."

Alex prayed that Neesha was right.


It took exactly three months, two weeks and five days for Alex to return to what one would call normal. She was able to focus on her job, working harder than ever. She started to make a name for herself and was booking more jobs out of state. She kept herself on the move, learning the trade as much and as fast as she could.

Alex and Neesha became closer than ever. She was the only person who understood. But Neesha was a party girl. Alex was not. Neesha asked her to go out partying many times, but she always said no. Other activities, she was in.

Until one night, Neesha asked her to go out again, and this time she said, "You have to say yes tonight."

Alex chuckled and said, "Sure I do." She was sitting on Neesha's bed, folding the clothes that Neesha had tossed from her closet.

"Yes, you do," Neesha insisted, "Because it's my birthday."

Alex looked up, surprised. "It's your birthday? Why didn't you tell me?" she asked incredulously. Then she groaned and said, "If I knew, I'd get you a gift."

Neesha sat down across her on the bed and held her hands. "Your gift to me would be agreeing to go out tonight," she said, grinning. "Come on, it will be fun. I promise!"

After everything that Neesha has done for her over the last few months, Alex couldn't say no to her, especially on her birthday. She sighed and nodded in agreement.

"Yay!" Neesha shrieked. She jumped off the bed and went to her closet. She took out a black mini dress and held it against her body. "What do you think?" she asked Alex.

"It's cute," Alex commented.

"Okay, so you're wearing that," Neesha declared, tossing the dress at her. 

Alex caught the dress and chuckled. "What are you wearing?"

Neesha grinned at her mischievously and raised her eyebrow. "You'll see," she said mysteriously.

An hour later, they walked into a nightclub downtown. Neesha must be a regular there because she bypassed the long queue outside, greeted the bouncer and they were let in.

Neesha was dressed to the nine. She wore a colourful sequin tube top mini dress with gold stilettos and matching gold clutch. She wore an elaborate gold choker and hoop earrings. Her curly hair was straightened and pulled up into a tight high ponytail. She turned many heads that night.

Alex wore the black dress that Neesha had picked for her. She paired it with a pair of high leather boots and black purse. She let her hair down. She went all black for the night.

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