55 - The Chauffeur

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Alex woke up early the next morning and showered quickly before putting on her clothes from the day before. She figured she would have plenty of time to go back to her apartment and change before going to work.

She went back into the bedroom and Paul was just waking up. 

"What time is it?" he asked, glancing at the digital clock on his side table. Then he turned to Alex, who was putting on her shoes. "Why are you up so early?"

Alex smiled and walked to his side. "I need to go home and change," she explained, "I'll see you at the office?"

Paul sat up and said groggily, "I'll come with you."

Alex pushed him back down on the pillow and insisted, "No, you're not. Go back to sleep. I'll take a taxi home." Then she kissed him goodbye and left.


Alex was glad she had showered at Paul's. When she arrived home, she had just enough time to change and put on her makeup. Then she was rushing out the door again. 

She opened the front door and was surprised to see Paul, looking dapper in a light brown suit, waiting for her on the curb side with John at the wheel. Paul smiled when he saw her.

"What are you doing here?" she asked him.

"To give you a lift," he replied simply, opening the door for her. 

Alex chuckled and gratefully climbed into the backseat. "Good morning, John."

"Good morning, Ms Smith."

Paul climbed in from the other side and John started moving into traffic.


Truth be told, Alex was nervous about running into anyone at the office, but luck must be with her. From the car to the elevator, they didn't run into anyone. They rode the elevator up to her floor first.

"Have a nice day," Paul wished and leaned down to give her a kiss.

She kissed him swiftly and replied, "You too." Then she stepped off the elevator and headed to her cubicle.

Cara appeared at her side. She was walking with a crutch and her right ankle was bandaged.

"Cara! What happened?" Alex asked with shocked.

Cara laughed, looking embarrassed. "It's a long story."

"Did you fall? Is it broken?"

Cara was blushing. "It's just twisted. I, uh, I fell off the bed."

Barry appeared behind her. He kissed her cheek and asked, "Hey, babe. You're doing okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," Cara told him and turned to Alex. Her face was crimson now.

Alex looked at her, then at Barry. Then she turned her attention back to Cara. She narrowed her eyes and asked in a low voice, "Something went wrong with the sex manual?"

Cara laughed outright and started twirling her ponytail. "Yeah, you can say that." Then she put a stack of folders on Alex's desk. "That's why I need your help with these. They need to go to the addresses on the labels. Do you think you can help me out? I'll owe you one," she pleaded with Alex.

Alex grinned and pulled the folders towards her. "Consider it done," she said simply.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Cara said, hopping towards Alex and hugging her from behind. "You're my angel."

Alex laughed. "Alright, alright. Don't hurt yourself." She got up and grabbed the folders. "If Caroline asks for me, call my cell. Bye!"

"Bye! I love you!" Cara called after her.

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