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*Jughead's Narration*

People like to say that the death of Jason Blossom changed everything at Riverdale High. But certain things, certain traditions never change. Take Homecoming, for instance. Though Jason's jersey had been retired, the Riverdale Bulldogs would still be playing their arch-rivals, the Baxter High Ravens, with the River Vixens cheering them on. As in previous years, graduates from days of Riverdale Past will come to town to relive their more youthful, more carefree days.

*Anna's Pov*

"Hey Nick, have you seen my white leather jacket," I yell from my room and he walks over.

"No, did you get your dress for homecoming?" He asks and I look over at him.

"Yeah I did, I have to go pick it up from the dry cleaners today."

"I picked your guy's stuff up on the way back." My dad walks past and I thank him. I walk over to the door and my dad stops.

"Hey, have you seen my leather jacket?"

"Which one."

"The white one."

"No, why?"

"I can't find it anywhere and I texted Betty to check the blue and gold office and she couldn't find it.

"It's probably around here somewhere. I'll keep an eye out for it." He walks away and Nick closes my door behind him and he sits on my bed while I put on my purple suede one.

"Have you talked to him yet about what you overheard from FP?"

"No I haven't but I will eventually, it's better if I do it after the homecoming dance."

"I'm with you all the way, Jason was my friend and I know I haven't really been there but I want to help you figure this out." He hugs me and I rest my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me, Anna, you're my sister. We are wombmates." I chuckle and pull away.

"Alright let's go to school before we're late."

I walk into the Blue and Gold office and Mrs. Cooper was organizing papers.

"Oh, finally, close that door. Ladies, I need you to look around the room. Whoever is not in this room is on the table as a possible murder suspect. Including those Pussycats."

"Oh, my God, Mom..." Betty groans and I sit at the table.

"Now, let's talk about your father." She asks Veronica and she sighs.

"He has an epic grudge against the Blossoms, so yes. It's totally within the realm of possibility that he hired someone from jail to kill Jason. Maybe Jugheads dad and Anna's." Veronica says and I get up from my seat.

"You really believe that?" I say and she shrugs.

"My dad paid Jughead's dad and your dad to trash the drive-in. Maybe he paid them to..."

"Commit murder. And, for all we know, that gay Greaser Serpent and the tall one is an accomplice."

"And what are you basing that off of? Mrs. Cooper. That you saw FP, Joaquin, and the other boy talking?"

"It didn't look like they were talking. It looked like they were conspiring."

"Conspiring about what?" Betty asks and Mrs. Cooper goes around to the other side of the desk.

"That's what I need you to find out. Either through Jughead or FP directly, without raising suspicion, of course. Which is why I have prepared a seemingly innocuous list of questions."

"I already asked Jughead, point-blank, if he thought his father had anything to do with Jason's death, and he said no. And I believed him, and I still believe him. I also believe Anna's dad wouldn't do a thing like that either."

"Betty, you're too close to this."

"I'm not going to insult Jughead and Anna or betray them by entertaining this. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a Homecoming Dance to plan with Anna. Come on, Vee, let's go."

I find Nick in the hallway and I grab his hand and take him into an empty classroom.

"Anna, what's going on."

"I just talked with Mrs. Cooper and she has her suspicions about what could be going on. When I overheard FP's conversation with Jaoquin it seemed like they were trying to hide the fact that FP did a job for Hiram Lodge. FP was afraid that maybe it would come back that maybe Hiram hired them to kill Jason."

"But does it seem like they maybe could have done it?"

"I don't know Nick, there could be a possibility that they could have done it making my whole profile wrong."

"You're not wrong Anna, you had the Blossoms, Hiram, and the Serpents as suspects it can be anyone. They all fit your profile. But we need to talk to dad, maybe we can get something out of him." I nod and we walk out of the classroom as the bell rings for us to go to class.

I get home and my mom is dressed, I set my things down on the couch and she looks up at me with a smile.

" You, me, and your dad are going to the Cooper's tonight for dinner."

"What about Nick."

"He's said he had plans with his friends."

"Fun," I say and she scowls at me.

"I thought you loved the Cooper's."

"I do, but right now with the day, I've had. I just want to get today over with." I walk down to my dad's den and he was sitting at his desk doing paperwork. I knock on the door and he looks up.

"When did you get home."

"A few minutes ago, can I talk to you about something. It's kinda been bothering me all week."

"Yeah of course but we have to make it quick because I have to get ready for the dinner tonight before the dance." I walk over and sit across from him and bite my lip, thinking about how I was going to ask him about what I wanted to know.

"When we threw Jughead his birthday party, FP came over with SweetPea. Joaquin was there too and I overheard a conversation about the drive-in being bought by Hiram Lodge and he hired the Serpents to trash it."

"That is true."

"I also want to know and please do not lie to me, did you have something to do with Jason Blossom's death because FP is afraid that someone will say Hiram hired you guys to do it." He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"The Serpents had nothing to do with Jason Blossom's murder. He came to me a few days before the fourth. He asked if I can help him with getting a car because he was going to leave with Polly. So I told him that I knew some Serpents that could help him so I took him to FP. FP hooked him up with a car and he did give him some drugs to deliver and he was able to keep the cash."

"Did you hurt Jason."

"God no, he's a child. Why would you ask that."

"Because I don't know what to think anymore. What about the thing with SweetPea."

"I saw that you guys were getting close, I knew you were looking into Jason Blossom's death so I asked him to keep you busy, to distract you from Jason. He didn't want to do it at first but I insisted on it, he cares for you, and I didn't want to accept the fact that you were falling for a Serpent. That wasn't his fault, that whole thing was mine and I'm sorry for that."

"Thank you for clearing that up for me dad." I smile and he gets up to give me a hug. I hug him back and go upstairs to go change.

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