𝙿𝚞𝚣𝚣𝚕𝚎 𝙿𝚒𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚜

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*Jughead's Narration*

The Coopers. The Stepfords of Riverdale. High school sweethearts who got married and had two beautiful daughters, Polly and Betty... Until Jason Blossom happened. And now, we would hear from the person who was closest to him those days leading up to his disappearance... Polly Cooper. How a casual conversation turned into an epic, forbidden romance. 

How, for reasons still murky, their respective parents tried to tear them apart. How their break-up was short-lived because Polly soon learned she was pregnant with Jason's baby. How they became secretly engaged with his grandmother's blessing and her heirloom ring and made plans to run away together, to start a new life. And how their dreams of escape went up in flames.

*Anna's Pov*

I walk up to FP's trailer and knock on the door. It opens and I come face to face with my dad.

"Hey, dad."

"What are you doing here."

"I came bearing gifts." I hold up the coffee and a donut box from Pops and he lets me in.

I set them on the table and FP sits down. SweetPea had left early to be here and I look over and smile at him.

"Anna are you staying."

"I would love to but I can't. Nick is waiting outside with the car. We have school."

"Alright, tell your brother I said hi."

"I will." I smile and kiss my dad on the cheek.

"I'll see you guys later." I wave and go back to the car.
*SweetPea's Pov*

"Anna's getting way to close to the truth FP. She's been working on this since they found Jason's body."

"Anna is smart and there's no getting around it. She figured it out faster than Tom."

"We need to keep her on her toes. SweetPea keep her occupied." Sam says and I nod. Sam gets up to leave and I get up from FP's couch.

"So you and Anna." FP says and I was trying to avoid this at all costs.

"We're friends. I mostly keep her occupied for Sam." I shrug and FP shakes his head.

"I know SweetPea, you were gone all night and didn't get back till early morning. We're you with her."

"If I said no, I'd be lying."

"I won't tell Sam because to his knowledge you befriended her."

"Oh thank God..."

"Unless you hurt her. She's my family and I treat her like my own daughter."

"I know that."

"So you treat her right, but there's one more thing I need you to do."

"What is it."

"If all this goes down, how I think it will. I need you to get her to become a Serpent."

"What for."

"They're going to need a leader and she's it."

"I'll do my best."

"Thank you." I walk out of the trailer and head to school.

*Anna's Pov*

I sit at a booth with Betty and we go through the guest list.

"So what happened with Sheriff Keller the other night." The bell on the door rings and and I look up. SweetPea walks in with Toni and Fangs and I give them a soft smile.

"He was asking Polly questions about Jason. You know how we found those drugs in that car."

"Yeah. What about them."

"Polly said Jason was doing a one time delivery for some Serpents in exchange for cash." My eyes widen and I lean closer to her.

"The Serpents." I raise an eyebrow and she nods.

"What's going on Anna." She asks and I shake my head. 

"Nothing, I'm just thinking." I drink my shake and finish my last invitation.

"Somethings bothering you."

"I promise it's nothing, I have to get home. I need to finish up some homework."

"Don't forget about tomorrow." Betty smiles.

"I won't."

"Bye." Betty hugs me and I leave. Nothing was making any sense to me anymore and I was itching for something to slip up.
When I got home I go upstairs to my room and grabbed my journal. I took a sharpie pen and begin to write

Dear Diary,

This is what I know so far, that Jason Blossom was running away from his parents. He asked Cheryl his sister for help to row him across sweet water river to meet Polly off of route 40 by the old maple sign. But before he could make it Jason Blossom was taken. He did not die that day on  July fourth but about a week later on July eleventh. He was shot point blank in the middle of his forehead. He was held by rope that was tied to a chair. I know this because of the bruising around his wrists and ankles. His autopsy report was also leaked by Alice Cooper which was cruel even on her level. I also know that rigamortis set in faster, meaning he was held somewhere cold, like a freezer of some sort.

What was missing, was the fact that the car did not fit the puzzle until today. Jason went to the Serpents to ask for help. In exchange for cash he would deliver some drugs for them and was able to keep the money. But that delivery was never made. My threoy of who killed Jason Blossom has become slow but my list of suspects has been narrowed down to two. The Serpents and the Blossoms. Who did it is beyond anything I know right now, but with the help of Betty and Jughead. I think we can figure out who killed Jason, maybe even before Sheriff Keller and the police.

There was a knock at my window and I close up my book and place it on my nightstand. I get up and walk over to the window. I push back the curtains and SweetPea was waiting there. I could tell he was uncomfortable by the way he was sitting there and I chuckle.

I open it and I help him in,

"Why didn't you just go through the front door."

"Because it occurred to me that I have never climbed through your window before." He leans down to kiss me and I smile into the kiss.

"What were you doing."

"I just finished my homework." I smile and he sits down on my bed.

"What did you need." I ask and he shrugs.

"I just wanted to see you." He pulls me into the bed and hovers over me. I giggle and he kisses me.

"We saw each other yesterday and this morning and at the diner."

"Speaking of the diner, you held that conversation well."

"Is it true about the Serpents helping Jason."

"I'm not sure." He kisses my nose and along my jaw.

"I'm just confused Pea." He sits up and I sit next to him.

"If the Serpents helped Jason Blossom at any point then I'm sure we didn't do anything to hurt him. I don't really deal with those things. It's the older Serpents business . If it helps, talk to FP."

"When did you become so wise." I joke and he chuckles

"That's because my angry face is actually my thinking face."

"No that's your angry face, it's already been proven." I kiss his cheek and get up from my bed.

"Where are you going."

"I'm gonna go to bed, so you are more than welcome to join me." I change into a large t-shirt and get under the covers. SweetPea takes off his pants and gets under the covers with me. I snuggle into him and fall asleep.

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