𝚁𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚍𝚊𝚕𝚎'𝚜 𝙸𝚗𝚗𝚘𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎

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"To Archie Andrews and Anna Jones, who saved the cheerleader and saved the town."

"You know what, actually I think it was Betty's speech." I say and she smiles.

"Here, here to Betty Cooper."


"Cheers." We all hit glasses and drink out milkshakes.

*Jugheads Narration*

We had many milkshakes that night, and we all felt that as dangerous as the world around us had become,here, at least in this booth, we were safe.

*Anna's Pov*

Continuous banging echoed through the house and I quickly get up.

"Who could be knocking at the door at this hour." My mom groans followed by my brother and I walk over and open the door.

A group of Serpents stood at our doorstep holding my white leather jacket and a black one.

"Hey what are you guys doing here." I asked confused. A dog starts barking but quickly stops when Andrew holds him back.

"Easy, Hot Dog. Their family." SweetPea stood next to Tallboy with a smirk on his face.

"Heard FP and your dad could have named names but didn't. Serpents take care of their own. We wanted you to know, no matter what happens to your dad, however long he's gone, we've got your back. These are yours, if you want them" He hands me back my white leather jacket and I smile.

"So this it where it went." I chuckle and slip on my jacket and it felt different before it was just my normal white leather jacket now it was like a glove. They hand Nick his and he thanks them.

"Anna." I turn around and my mom looked concerned.

"We'll leave you guys to it then."

"Thank you Tallboy." I walk back inside and close the door behind me.

"You will not join the Serpents. I will not allow it."

"What was I supposed to do mom, tell them no." I take the jacket off and she goes to grab it but I pull away.


"They have been standing by our family for years even after dad left. I'm keeping it. I'm going back to bed we can talk about this in the morning." I go back to my room and close the door behind me.
I wake up the next morning and stare at my white leather jacket that now had a Serpent logo on the back. I get out of bed and get in the shower.

I wash away all the dirt from my body and close my eyes in relaxation.

When I get out I put on some clean clothes and make my way over to the jacket contemplating whether I should put it on or not.

"If you want to put it on, then put it on." I look over to see Nick leaning against my door frame.

"And deal with mom, I'm good."

"She went to work." I walk away and grab my tan one before grabbing my phone.

"Where are you going."

"I'm supposed to meet Jug at the diner. Why."

"Just asking." He shrugs and my phone goes off.


"Anna, I need you to get down to the hospital it's bad."

"Arch, what's wrong."

"My dad, he's... he's been shot and he's in surgery."

"Oh my god Archie. I'm on my way."

*Jughead's Narration*

Imagine this instant, frozen in time. People will look back at this as the exact moment that last bit of Riverdale's innocence finally died. When darkness won. Marked by an act of violence,that was anything but random.

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