𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚘𝚢 𝚒𝚗 𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚠𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚁𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚛

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I watched as they pull Jason's body out of the water. His body was discolored and full of water. On July 4th Cheryl said she had seen her brother drown but the perfect round hole in his forehead said otherwise. They slowly rolled his covered body up the hill the Blossoms following right behind them.

Riverdale wasn't what it was thought out to be. Now it was tainted with a certain evil that loomed over us one we didn't see coming. After today everything would change.

*Jughead's Narration*

I think many of us, maybe the entire town, had been hoping against hope that somehow Jason Blossom hadn't drowned on July 4th.

That we'd come to school Monday morning, and there Jason would be. Or that we'd see him and Cheryl in a booth at Pops.

But that was before the undeniable, irrevocable fact of his bloated, water-logged body, a corpse with a bullet hole in its forehead, and terrible secrets that could only be revealed by the cold, steel blade of a coroner's autopsy scalpel, or the telltale beating of a guilty heart.


September 8, 2017

Dear diary,

This morning I woke up and felt so strange. There was no way to describe it and I felt like someone had hit me with a bat. I was weak and when I went to get ready for the day it's like my muscles wouldn't work. On the other hand, I felt comfortable and relaxed until I remembered that today was Monday. It had rolled around faster than I wanted it to and it almost felt like today had its own agenda. To be honest, I didn't want to go to school, I'd rather lie here and write, or just lie here.

When I got to school not a single person was able to keep Jason's name from spilling out of their mouth.

I stood at my locker when a certain blonde walks over with a smile.

"Hey, Betty." I smile and Kevin walks up behind her.

"How have you been Betty, I heard what happened."

"I'm great, everything is fine and I'm not stressing over it anymore."

"That's good, I really hate to see you hurt."

"What about you, I heard about your breakup during the dance?"

"I'm surprisingly fine. It was long overdue anyway." We start to walk and I link my arm with Betty's.

"Now that romance is off the table, I'll just say it. Are we 100% sure that Archie's straight? Because no straight man has that body." Kevin says and I laugh.

"Speaking of bodies... Have you recovered from finding Jason's?" I ask and he looks over at me.

"It was more traumatizing having to explain to my dad what I was doing with Moose at the river. Yet another perk of being the sheriff's son." Betty leads us into the office and I see a vase of flowers.

"Oh, my God, those are gorgeous. Are those for Betty, Mrs. Philips?" Kevin says and Mrs. Philips looks over at us with a sarcastic look on her face.

"That's why I called her."

"Dear Betty, please forgive me, XOXO, V."

"Who the hell is "V"?" I ask confused.

"Veronica," Betty says and so does another girl with raven hair.

"The yellow is for friendship. I also had Magnolia cupcakes flown in from New York. Because, as my mom likes to say, "There's no wrong the right cupcake can't fix. Also I... I've booked us for hers-and-hers mani-pedis at Chez Salon. Blowouts, too. I am so, so sorry, Betty. I don't know what happened to me that night. It was such a basic bitch move. It was like I was... Possessed by..."

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