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I stood next to Cheryl and she smiles over at me.

"This necklace reads the baby's aura. Predicts the sex." Nana Rose holds a crystal above Polly's hand and it swings in a circle.

"Nana has dementia and gypsy blood." She tells me and I smile.

"Oh!" She exclaims and we all look worried

"What? Is my baby okay?"

"Babies. It's twins. One of each!" I smile and Polly has a huge smile on her face. I take a quick picture and then we move on to opening gifts.

"How long does it take to develop pictures," Polly asks.

"About a week and then they are all yours." I smile and she nods before sitting down. Betty hands her my gifts first and she opens them. She reads the card and smiles and puts the card to her heart.

"Oh! Thank you!" She smiles and I take a picture of her with the gifts.

"Okay, now Mom's."

"It's my nightlight. When I was a little kid. How did you... Where did you even..."

"I saved it. I know how much you loved it and how it made you feel safe. And I wanted you to be able to pass it down to your own baby one day."

"Alice, it's lovely," Hermione says and I smile.

"Open ours next, dear," Penelope says and Archie walks in. I walk over and Archie looked pissed.

"You were protecting them. That's why you didn't tell me." Archie looks at me and Jughead looks at him confused.

"Relax. What happened?" Jughead asks and Archie looks over at me like I was going to explain what happened earlier at the Whyte Wyrm.

Betty and Veronica walk over and he looks over at them.

"Did you know that Jughead's father is a Serpent and that Anna is too?"


"That's why he tried to stop me from going to the bar, so I wouldn't find out. After everything, my dad has done for you..."

"Archie. I can explain, okay?" Jughead says and Veronica stops him.

"But not right now. This is Polly's day, so you two need to check yourselves. I mean it."

"Archie..." I call and he glares at me

"No, save it," he says and Veronica escorts him out.

"Come on." She gets him out of the room and I hand Jughead my camera.

"Where are you going."

"To go talk to him." I walk out and pass up Veronica. I run out and Archie was standing in front of the Pembrooke getting ready to walk home.

"Archie," I call and he turns around but ignores me.

"Go back inside Anna." He sounded cold and betrayed and I grab his arm to turn him around.


"What do you want."

"Why are you so angry Archie."

"Because Jughead lied, his dad is a serpent and you are too and I feel like I don't even know my best friend anymore."

"Archie, I'm not a serpent." I chuckle and he looks at me confused.

"Then why were you there at the Whyte Wyrm."

"My boyfriend is a serpent, just like Kevins. I went there to go talk to him and then that's when you showed up."

𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚂𝚔𝚒𝚗// 𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝙿𝚎𝚊Where stories live. Discover now