Chapter 52: Thor

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Third Person POV

"I am Groot (I need to pee)." Groot complained as he wiggled in his seat.

"Tinkle in the cup. What the matter? Everyone's seen a twig." Rocket shrugged nonchalantly, trying to convince Groot to pee in the cup again.

"I am Groot (But it's already filled)." Groot raised his voice a pitch higher reminding him.

"Tree, pour what's in the cup out into space and go again." Thor turned to look at the teen Groot.

"You speak Groot?" Rocket asked knowing the language is low-key and no one really knows it.

"Yes. They taught it on Asgard. It was an elective." Thor replied as he stared about the window into the darkness of space.

"I am Groot (Are we almost there)?" Groot grumbled.

"You'll know when we're close. Nidavellir's forge harnesses the blazing power of a neutron star. It's the birthplace of my hammer." Thor plopped down in the seat close to the window, away from the Gaurdians. "It's truly awesome..."

Thor's thoughts here not of the place they were headed, but of the people and family he has lost over the very few years of his life span.

Thor is to live thousands of more years... but over the past few, he has lost so much. His mother, his father, his home, his sister, his best friend, the Warrior three, half of the handful of his people who he had saved, and someone who was like a sister to him.

Rocket seemed to had noticed the quietness of Thor causing him to glance back at the god.

Taking in his slumped posture and thoughtful look.

"Okay, time to be the captain." Rocket sighed, knowing the Captain's role isn't just to be the leader, but to help those on their team to stay together.

Rocket put the ship in auto-pilot and jumped out of the chair, walking back towards the food.

He glanced at the pirate angel before tapping away at the buttons on the screen. He thought of a way to talk to the god and help him.

His mind ended up going back to Hope. Rocket figured Thor was much closer to her than he was.

But he didn't want to talk about her.

"So, dead sister, huh?" Rocket tested, not having a clue how to start this conversation. "Yeah, that can be annoying."

"Well, she was locked away in hel. So I didn't know her very well, plus she wasn't the nicest older sister in the universe." Thor shrugged while gulping down the tears he was trying to keep in. "Hope was the closets thing to a sister I had."

Rocket let out a shaky breath, not wanting to think about the certain Stark. He turned from the food station and walked closer to Thor.

"And you said your dad?" Rocket raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Dead." Thor answered in a monotone.

"But you still got a mom, though?" Rocket tired again.

"Killed by a Dark Elf." Thor replied shortly

"A best friend?" Rocket was beginning to pity the man.

"Stabbed through the heart." Thor answered, flashes of the people Rocket has mention filled his mind.

"A brother?" Rocket remembered the god mentioning a brother.

"He's on Earth with the Avengers, hopefully. Hope and my dear friend, Heimdall had saved him and another friend before Thanos could kill them. He ended up killing them instead." Thor clenched his jaw, feeling his anger bubble up inside of him thinking of the purple Titan.

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