Chapter 23: Welcome Party

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She doesn't wear the dress until the ball

Hope's POV

I smirked as I walked into the throne room of Asgard. I held my chin up high as I strutted toward Loki who was disguised as Odin.

My smirk grew when I noticed Loki/Odin staring at me. I'm trying to envision it as Loki's eyes on me so it makes me feel better.

Loki/Odin cleared his throat as he noticed the guards staring at me too.

"It is a pleasure to see you again, Princess Stark of Midgard." Loki/Odin smiled brightly as he sat on the throne. "What does Asgard owe the pleasure of you're presence?"

"If it's not too much to ask, I would like to speak to you alone, All father." I bowed slightly in respect as I side glanced over to the guards who were still staring.

"Very well. Guards." Loki/Odin hit his staff against the ground making a boom ring through the room.

The guards bowed and quickly left the room leaving just the two of us.

I made sure all the doors were closed fully and no one else was here before walking closer to the king.

Loki's true form appeared in a green mist. He stood up from the throne and made his way over to me.

I smiled at the sight of my boyfriend.

"Hello Darling." He smiled as he pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back tightly. "Are you here to stay?"

"Yep." I answered without popping the p. I pulled away from him and stared into his sparkling green eyes. "I'm here to stay until farther notice."

Loki smiled and pulled me into a soft kiss. I almost moaned at the feeling that filled me as I kissed him back. His lips moved slowly against mine. Fireworks, just like every other time he kisses me.

He pulled away and stared into my eyes as he ran his thumb against my cheek, holding my face in his large hand.

"You look beautiful, my love. I can't wait to show you around Asgard properly. I'm sure you'll love it here." Loki said deeply. I grinned up at the god.

"I'm sure I will."


Loki/Odin announced that I would be staying here for quite some time. He announced who I was, Princess of Midgard, and why I'm here, to help Asgard and Midgard become more of allies after everything with Loki.

I guess he also announced that we were having an open ball for me as a welcome party. I'm the guest of honour.

Loki/Odin has assigned Tilia and Bella as my maids or servants or whatever. Helpers I guess. Thank god he didn't assign someone else, like that mean girl who tried to trash Bella.

"I can't believe you're actually here to stay!" Tilia squealed happily as the two walked into my room, which is down the hall from where Loki and Thor's rooms are.

I smiled at the two excited Asgardians.

"Everyone is invited to the ball. Making a first impression will be important." I stared at the selection of dresses the two brought me earlier.

"We can help with anything and everything you need help with." Bella smiled warmly with a nod.

I pursed my lips and nodded, putting my hands together. "I think I want to wear a Ter-Midgardian dress."

I'm so used to saying Terra because that's how Peter and the guardians know Earth, but now I'll have to get used to saying Midgard.

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