(1-2) oh, how fast time flies by

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A/N: this is the end of second year btw!

Harry's pov ϟ

"Harry!" Y/N shouted.

I turned around to see her running up to me as we passed through the wall of Platform 9 and 3/4 to return back home for the summer.

"Promise me right now!" she said breathlessly as Hermione and Ron caught up to us. "Promise me that you'll write loads over the summer! You said that last year and I got so little letters I thought you were possibly dead!"

I started laughing at her.

"She's right you know," Hermione said as I turned to look at her. "You don't send any letters Harry!"

"I'm sorry! You know the Dursleys don't let me write to you guys..." I trailed off as their faces started to sag. "... but this year I might be able too." I ended hopefully.

"Finally!" Y/N said as she wrapped me in a bear hug. I started to blush profoundly as she pulled away.

"See you through your letter then, Harry." she beamed as she started to run towards her parents. "I'll miss you loads!"

My eyes followed her as she left happily with her parents and turned to look at Hermione and Ron.

"What!" I exclaimed as they looked at me, trying to hold in their laughter.

"Nothing!" they said simultaneously.

I narrowed my eyes at them before the three of us bursted into laughter.

"Alright Harry. We both know you fancy Y/N quite a bit." Hermione grinned, "You know you're quite horrid at hiding your facial expressions."

Trying to avoid this conversation, I started walking backwards towards the Dursleys, who seemed as if they were being held hostage waiting for me.

"On a second thought, I think my uncle is calling for me. See you both in a couple of months!" I ran away, leaving a smiling Hermione and Ron at the platform.

A/N: i'm very excited to write year 3 :) lots of cute fluff moments, buckle in!

promises ❥ harry potter x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now