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This takes place in the two-week break that the students have to train.

Also hears a Key, I changed how things do things.

Y/N: fuck | whispering/ mumbling

Y/N: God do I hate it here | thoughts

Y/N: Feck | something important or emphasis on certain words.

Ted and Sam are sitting on a bench eating ice cream.

Ted: So... how's your training going?

Sam: Well I've figured out that I can hold the abilities of some songs.

Ted: Oh, cool. Wanna spar?

Sam: Sure, I know just the place.

Sam leads Ted to an abandoned warehouse.

Sam: You ready?

Ted: As I'll ever be.

Sam goes into his Beastmode and Rushes Ted.

Ted tries to dodge as many punches as he could but a surprise kick sent him flying.

Sam got down on all fours and growled, before opening his mouth and gathering Inergy in it.

Ted, knowing what he's attempting, covers himself in his black fire.

Sam fires the ball of Inergy at Ted as Ted's shield does nothing to protect him.

Ren: The shield, it does nothing.

Theo: Do you really need to make references right now?

Ted: I'd appreciate it if you stopped talking.

Ted is kicked in the stomach and sent flying again.

Ren: Use my Tick, Ted.

Ren said that in a voice that makes people remember a giant space station blowing up.

Ted uses Ren's Tick to double his stats.

Ren: Remember, don't use it for too long or it'll probably cause organ failure.

Ted rushes Sam and kicks him in the face.

Sam simply stands his ground and growls.

Ted/Ren/Theo: Oh shit!

Sam is still too much for Ted to handle even at double his normal power.

Ted: I didn't think I'd have to use this but here goes. Times Three!

Ted powers up Ren's Tick, giving him three times his normal power.

Ted backs off and tries to do the hand signs for a Fireball Jutsu.

Sam is having none of that and extends the aura around himself to punch Ted in the face.

Sam grabs Ted's face and brings him directly into a Beast Bomb.

Ted is unresponsive for about two seconds.

Theo: My turn.

Theo's dark blue eyes stare at Sams brown.

Theo fires off a couple blasts of fire, all hitting their mark.

From the smoke Sam is unscathed.

Theo: Well, shit.

Well shit indeed my friend, Sam forms a Rasengan in his hand and glares at Theo.

Theo: Oh fuck.

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