Chapter Seven

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With Julien, Carson, and Ethan

Julien was in a hole, Carson was halfway up the hole and Ethan was fighting off thugs

Ethan: Jules what the fuck are you doing, get up here!

Ethan yells down at Julien as he just raises his hand revealing his middle finger to Ethan.

Julien: Fuck off, I'm doing something!

Ethan sweeping his arm as a wave of ghostly green shoots towards some thugs: Well do it faster! Ye prick.

Carson: I'd appreciate it if you could give me a hand.

Ethan tosses a (somehow) severed hand down onto Carson.

Carson: Not what I meant!

Ethan explodes creating a sizeable crater around him allowing Carson to climb up and out.

Carson going for a high five: Thanks, man.

Ethan denying it: You're welcome. Now help me with the rest of the thugs, that last blast took a lot out of me.

Carson turning his arms into stone: Way ahead of you.

Before Carson can get to punch a thug, they all flop down unconscious.

Carson: What gives! I wanted to wreck some face.

Jules: Too bad.

Ethan: Took you long enough.

Jules: You can't rush perfection.

Ethan blasting a thug that wasn't knocked out: Well, looks like you're not perfect.

Carson, afraid something was about to happen, steps between them.

Carson: How about, instead of fighting, we head back to the plaza.

Ethan and Jules glare at each other for a second before turning around with a "hmph."

Carson stares with a bead of sweat trickling down the side of his face.

Carson: So umm, let's get going.

Ethan: Sure.

So Ethan, Carson, and Jules continued through the forest region coming across two female villains along the way.

Ethan whispering: Oi! You two get down.

Carson, knowing something is up immediately ducks behind a bush.

Jules: Ha, you think some thug is enough for me? Come out, we know you're here!

Ethan: You fucking idiot get down.

Jules: I'm more than enough for a simple thug.

Ethan: This isn't your average thug, they're a lot stronger than your average thug.

Jules: Heh, I can take out thugs no problem, this will be a breeze.

Julien says before being forced to his knees, and his lunch being forced up his throat.

Jules on his knees coughing and dry heaving: Fuck, (coughing). YOU!

Ethan: I tried to warn you.

Ethan says as a woman in red robes barely covering her, um, parts, walks into the clearing Jules was currently suffering in

???: Now what do we have here? A boy who thinks he's strong? What a joke.

Jules: You'll be eating those words, whore!

Julien starts coughing harder.

???: Hold your tongue, I'll get to you, just wait. As for your friends, well...

The Boy of ThreeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora